Now my friends can stop making fun of the empty frames on my tables.

After being cardless last year, I was determined that no matter how busy I got in 2008, I would make time for a photo session with my own kids, thank you very much. Well, I didn't exactly make time. But I did seize the moment. We were shopping at Garden Ridge the other day, when I noticed that the outside of their building was a perfect backdrop. The light was filtered by clouds, I had my camera. The next thing I knew I ACTUALLY have photographs of my OWN children!
One of my favorite parts was noticing how differently I edited through these. Normally, I'm looking at light, and composition, exposure. This time I only looked at feelings.
Oh my, how I love them. It makes my stomach hurt a little.
Totally blurry and I so don't care.
I adore this shot so much. I want to scoop her whole little face into my hands and kiss every square inch of it a million times. Especially that delicious little double chin!
Emily trying so hard to be like the big kids. I can't even tell you how many times a day she tells me that she's not a baby.
And the timer shot! Annie has a cheeseball smile, and Mimi's ready to lose it, but MAMA GOT INTO THE PICTURE. BOO. YAH.
Want to see them all put together? I even finished our card! BOO. YAH. X2!
Keeping it SIMPLE. RIDDING myself of the ridiculous aspiration to try to make everything perfect. Because messy is more interesting anyway. So if you haven't taken your Christmas portraits yet, get to the nearest Garden Ridge parking lot, STAT!
And if you want a few extra shooting tips, tune into The Living Show tomorrow morning at 10. I'll be on, attempting to fill 4 minutes with information besides, "just push the button". Lordy.
Tracey also wrote a fabulous post for Shutter Sisters that was full of great ideas. And speaking of the sisters, make sure you visit often, because they're giving something away every day in December! How fun is that?!
Reader Comments (25)
Thanksgiving for the retinas!
A feast for the soul.
Complete with heartburn.
I miss everyone.
So much love,
Such sweet emotion in you and your family! Love it!
good luck on the big show. you will rock it. can you get it to utube or something so us out-of-towners can see it?
I love your card! :)
Hope you get every thing you want for Christmas, but by the look of the photos you already have it all!
Wishing you and your family good health, lots of wealth and a ton of love!!!!!
Merry Christmas,
Your hair looked really cute.
I saw the S.A.Living Show and love, love, loved every
minute. All that was missing was the wine, cheese, crackers
and candid hilarity.
Very informative and most enjoyable.
My mum has this framed picture on her wall. It has the letters F A M I L Y and pictures in each letter. The funny thing is, she hasn't got around to filling it, so the pictures in it, are the ones it came with, stock photos of models none of us know. We have loads of laughs over that, how beautiful our family is.