




































Birth Documentaries

My first reaction when I was editing these, was a profound sense of sadness. I remember crying at the realization that all I have to remember the births of my three children are a few obligatory snap shots. All of them posed, smiling, and taken after the important moments happened. But prior to this, it had never occurred to me to hire a professional to capture a birth. Now it seems insane NOT to. We spend thousands of dollars to remember our wedding day. Yet, on a day that is equally, if not more important, we rely on doped-up memories and a few family members with their point and shoots. I so wish I had thought to do this for myself. So it was even more of a privelege to be able to give this gift to someone else...especially for friends who mean as much to me as Katy and Damon.

Waiting outside the operating room. Damon is a surgeon, but that day he was just a nervous dad.

 The good doctors.

This was a happy mistake. I had wanted their hands to be in focus, but later thought the watch was more appropriate anyway.

My favorite.


Gotta love those hottie panties they give you afterwards! hahaha!


 If you need more info, let me know:  :)



We made it. Really, it's more impressive that the kids made it. There were 2 delays, 4 lay overs, and eight plane rides in two weeks. Yesterday's flight was the easiest because they slept the whole way home. They're beat! Shockingly, I was up early, raring to go. Maybe I'm still on Oregon time. Or maybe it's because I have 101 things to get done today. Grammy flies in this afternoon for Christmas number three! And right now it looks like the baggage claim threw up on my living room. Plus, I think we have maybe an onion and some flax oil in the refridgerator. Mmm. I better get my butt in gear for some groceries, and COFFEE, and some extra get up and go!

Hello 2009. I'm happy you're here. xo



Come visit me here today.   :)



So we made it! 14 adults + 9 kids + a week full of playing and laughing, skiing, sledding, shopping, traveling. Putting jackets on, taking them off, then on, then off again...wiping melted snow off the floors. It was a lot of work, but totally worth it. I wish I was a better vacation picture taker. I have good intentions, that always turn into half hearted snap shots. Here is the ONE group shot that we barely got on the last day. It was no small miracle. 

I think part of why it was so fun was because we had so much room. If you ever happen to be on vacation with 5 families at the Vail Cascade, stay in B302. It was PIMP! 4000 sq ft. with 7 bedrooms. And the kids even had their own little MTV Cribs style pad upstairs. There were tons of bunk beds, their own living room, and a flat panel TV screen for cartoon watching. It was the bomb. 

 View from the window.



One of the  best things about Jason is that you never have to talk him into enjoying life.  Here he is, all by himself just chillin in the hot tub with a beer.     

Neither Jason nor I had been skiing in 10+ years. And in the past I hated it because I'd always end up rolling down the mountain on my ass. So this time, we were the dorks that took lessons like all the little kids. And after having actual instructions (what a concept)...I was amazed that I had ever attempted to do this all on my own. Lesson number one: You don't have to figure out everything in life by yourself. Lesson number two: "Speed is your friend". That's a quote from my instructor, who also kept telling me that I "had the tools, but just had to get over my fear". That's when I informed him that not only do I drive a minivan, but I drive it happily at 65 in the slow lane. I'm sure that's when he knew it would be a long day.  :)

 Cute tooties on their first day of ski school. Her hair did start out in braids.

People think they're wild in their 20s. Just wait until you have to drag three kids and their shoes and jackets and whiny attitudes through security at the four airports. When you finally get out, it's like letting a bunch of caged animals loose on the streets. Literally. This was taken during the best snow fight ever, right in the middle of Lion's Head.

 Katy and Damon

 One of the highlights of the trip was seeing Beau drink because he NEVER does. Here is Katy putting on the pressure..."GO BEAU, GO!!!"

 And that led to a little dancing...GO BEAU GO!!!


Jack and Alison 

Katy's dad John and his awesome girlfriend Julia. I'm pretty sure they put up with a lot that night. 

 Just a few random shots of the chitlins.


I love these next two, especially the pouty eyebrows and lips.

 So Sunday, we got home around midnight (thanks to a four hour delay in Houston). I had two shoots yesterday, and am trying to get bazillions of things done before we leave for another week tomorrow to Oregon. I will try to take more than snap shots while I'm there. But I'm thinking that I might just pre-post all the family photos that I'm behind on, and set them for each day while I'm gone. Because who wants to look at Christmas pictures after the New Year?!



Turns out I'm not very good at vacation-blogging. We've been in Vail all week. I'd originally intended to blog the whole trip as it happened. But here we are on the last day already. Everyone is exhausted from skiing, and sledding, and freezing, and playing. We're all pooped, just watching TV. So it was the perfect moment to break out the laptop. I even ordered an eleven dollar hot chocolate+kahlua from room service. Ahhhh...I forgot how much I missed editing after a few days off...

THEN. Where is my USB cord? Looking, looking, looking. AND it's lost. So my photos are trapped inside the camera unless the front desk can locate one for me to borrow. SO, hi and bye, and To Be Continued...  :)