Bellies + More Belllies

A few from the Mini Sessions at Chic Mama.
This is Cute Kim, and her husband Cute Jerry. She works at Chic Mama and we love her. We love her despite the fact that she packs bananas in her purse to snack on, and eats edamame beans for lunch. She is in fact SO healthy that one day she got sick, just from eating a little ranch dressing. If you ask me, that is total proof that being healthy is not good for you.
Blue dumpsters are pretty.
This "Grace" one is my favorite.
I'm always on a mission to do my friends headshots. For one, because everybody needs one. But mostly because people need to stop putting pictures of their kids on their facebook profiles. :)
Kim again, and Maria from Tango Baby. She is the Queen of Cute Baby Slings. If you're in the market for one, definitely check out her website.
Robyn even did my makeup that day, so DD took one of me too.
In other news...
If you haven't checked out Awkward Family Portraits yet, you need to go there right now. I got emails from Stephanie, Katy, and Olivia all in one day. (Is someone trying to tell me something?) The only thing that made me mad as I was going through the site was that my friend Amber wasn't there to laugh with me. We owned our first studio together way back when perms were cool. And some of our shots could seriously rival anything on that site. OMG, I just had the best idea. I think I'd have to blur out the faces of our poor innocent victims clients. But maybe I'll post some of our early "work" here. Ohhhhhhh, I'm going to dig some gems up tonight.
Just as soon as I finish writing my Shutter Sisters post for tomorrow. Any ideas?

Reader Comments (13)
Shutter Sister ideas: how do you pick up the camera when it's the last thing your hand wants to hold but know it's exactly the thing you need to have? Think of the first day of kindergarten. Those last moments just before your little one (or big one or middle one or anyone) tells you it's ok to go now. Think of the last moments you have with someone knowing that their end here is imminent. Think of the fleeting moments before the sun steals away for the night or that split second before it breaks the horizon and brightens the sky to annonce a new day. Think of the anger when you wish you had a camera but all you have is your memory with minimal film and you aren't sure how long it will stay vivid or whether or not it will remember what is important in this moment or if it will process colour or black and white or blur. Think of what memories are stored in your suitcase of life.
Enough of my rambling....I've just a bit on my mind.
And by the way... that picture of you is fantastic. You are gorgious. As ever.
One thing: the link to Awkward Family Portraits (which is hilarious!) doesn't need a "www". With a www, it takes us to a different page. FYI.