
The other night, my good friend Misha Pisha Michelle made an interesting observation. She said she doesn't like it when she asks someone how they're doing, and the response is "SO busy!" I totally get it. Even if it's unintentional, it kind of feels like maybe they're too busy for the conversation. And maybe there's also a subtle insinuation, that everyone else just isn't quite so busy. That they're running marathons, and saving children from burning houses. While you're sitting at home eating donuts and watching Tyra. That being said, it's been SO BUSY around here! :) GEESH. Don't you think April and May give November and December a run on the Non-Stop-Activity Scale?!! Only it's worse because it sneaks up on you. At least with the holidays, you're prepared to be insane. Between school wrapping up, and field trips, 2 birthdays within 4 weeks, and work...it has been Crazy Town. And my little blog has been neglected because of it. So, tonight I'm going to do my best to get a post up with pictures. But in the mean time, it was my turn at Shutter Sisters today. Just a few thoughts on being a photographer. Come say hello. And I'll see you here again, soon. xo
Reader Comments (5)
P.S. Missed your smiling face last night! xx