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My good friend Brian thought it would be fun to treat his whole staff to a shoot the other day. Well, I'm not sure how much of a treat it was, because it's been over 100 degrees for weeks. Feels like your skin is frying off your face every time you walk outside. But they were all troopers...even the kiddos. And afterwards we cooled off by having a few drinks at the Huisache. Definitely the way to top off a great sesh.  :) 

Um, hello Miss (divaliscious model in the making) Eva...

Love this one.

Ashley, Brian and Shannon remind me of Three's Company. I think next time they should all wear tube socks, while riding banana seat bikes. ...Come and knock on our door...we've been waiting for youuuu....

If you are preggo, go visit Brian and his crew at Babyvision Ultrasound. They are awesome peeps! Also, speaking of being preggo, I think there are a few spots left for the Chic Mama shoot on Saturday. There will be hair+makeup+belly pics+lots more! If you're interested call (210) 545-7217 for deets!


Beefy Monday with a Side of Mash.

There's so much going on in the next two weeks. It's making me slightly militant about my to-do list. And it's a love-hate thing, because even though it's gratifying to cross through obligations, it's harder to slack off when I know exactly how much is stacking up. On the other hand, it's my fault for piling up all these crazy deadlines. You might know I signed the lease on another studio a while back. Up until now, it's been a half-hearted attempt (I don't even have pictures on the walls!). Mostly because I only needed it for specific shoots. I was there seldom enough that sprucing it up took a back burner. And then it started to bug me. Like if you're going to do something, do it right. So I decided I needed a deadline. And there's nothing that makes you clean dust bunnies, like having visitors. SO, AUGUST 8th, you're invited! I'll be sending out something formal-ish within a few days. For now, mark your calendar from 4:00-6:00 for an Open House/Belated Studio Warming Party. We'll have wine, appetizers, and be offering mini makeovers for FREE. There will be jewelry, I'll be snapping pix, and the studio is within walking distance of some really cute restaurants and wine bars. So tell your friends and make it a girl's night! 

Okay, now meet Kris Cracknell and her adorable family. She came to me as a referral from my cutie pattootie friend, Tara. And that's what I love about running a referral-based business. Cool people tend to have cool friends. And that's definitely the case here. I had the greatest time shooting them. If it hadn't been 102 degrees out that day I might not have let them go home. They were so much fun, and it totally came out in their photos.

People always ask me what to wear for their sessions, and this is a good example of a "DO": Coordinate without matchy-matching. Love it!

The great thing about Kris is that she really made an effort to bring stuff that she felt represented her boys, which always makes for a more personalized session. Plus it's always easier to photograph kids when they're having fun. 

 Thanks Kris (and Fam) and Tara! :)

A few other newsy things. Due to the number of inquiries we get for Hot Mama sessions, I've decided to build a site devoted just to them. We're swanking them up, and even changing the name, so keep an eye out. I'm hoping it will go live by the end of the week. In the mean time, we've also decided to do THREE more sessions between now and the end of the year. I'm posting dates because we can only take 8 ladies per day, and I like for blog readers to get first pick. So, the dates are: AUGUST 29th, SEPTEMBER 26th, and OCTOBER 24th. Email or call soon if you want to book.

 In other news, have you guys seen what is going on over at Shutter Sisters lately? WOW. They are such an amazing group of women, and an inspiring community. I'm completely humbled to even be a small part of it. If you haven't been tuning in over the past few months, let me fill you in. Just because I'm super proud and inspired everyone. Jen and Stephanie recently WON a $50,000 Dream Assignment contest that was sponsored by Lenovo and Microsoft. This means they'll be going on assignment around the world, telling stories (through photographs) of specific people who represent the idea of Hope. I can't think of anything more amazing. In addition, they've been working in conjunction with Blurb and the whole Shutter Sisters community to create a book that will be for sale to benefit the people they're featuring. I'm in awe.

And although it seems fantastical, I'm brought back to a little phone call from Tracey a couple of years ago. She was talking about a website she wanted to create. That the name would be Shutter Sisters. And her vision was that it would be an inclusive community of women who love photography and life, a place for sharing, and learning, and growing. I even remember reading in her blog that she had passed out business cards for the site before it was built! I love that! Especially when you consider now, what the site has become. It's astounding, and a huge testament to the idea that big things happen when you take little steps. I'm just bursting with pride for the entire group of women. And feeling slightly giddy about finally getting to meet them all in person next weekend in Chicago. And speaking of BlogHer, if you're going to be there, let me know. I'd love to meet you, or have you join us in the Shutter Suite. We'll be having a Pajama Party (sponsored by Gap) and so much more! 

Now, how's that for a beefy Monday post? Complete with mashed potatoes and gravy, today.


The Ochoa Fam: San Antonio Newborn Photographer

Jen and Mario, and their adorable baby girls. It's probably been at least ten years since I photographed twins, and it gave me a renewed appreciation for how hard parents of multiples work. I remember being barely coherent when my children were newborns. I can't imagine that kind of sleep deprivation x 2. Then again, it's all the cuteness x 2 as well.

This sofa is a rocker that Jen purchased for the twins' nursery. She had the idea of photographing them on it, and then repeating the tradition at future photo sessions, which I love. I think it's so great to pick some kind of an anchor, like a painting, or a special toy that acts as a kind of growth chart through the years.

Flowers sent by friends.
I thought this was cute, dad taking a photo of the girls with his phone while we were taking the shot above.

Congratulations Jen and Mario! And thank you Karen for the referral! 


The Rexach Fam: San Antonio Photographer

Meet Auggie and Gretchen. They are one of the sweetest couples I've ever met. Completely warm and welcoming, and really comfortable together. It was a pleasure photographing their maternity session. And then getting to come back and meet Baby Jack. What a cutie pie.

My favorite. How cute is Jack pointing up to his daddy? 


mish mash

Last weekend, we celebrated 3 birthdays. One of them was Katy's and it was definitely the highlight of my week. Because I'd been waiting to give her a very special gift. About a month ago, I was driving back from the studio on the freeway when I noticed something shiny and dangling from the truck in front of me. At first it was blurry, and I was sure my mind was deceiving me. Because there was no way that someone had hung testicles from their bumper. As I got closer though, I realized that yes. YES INDEED. Someone HAD adorned their truck with SILVER-PLATED GENITALIA. It was like spotting an alien spacecraft. I went straight for my camera, but then the truck started to exit. There was no way I could miss that shot, so in a panic I changed lanes to follow him. Yes, I stalked the Testi-Truck straight INTO THE WALMART PARKING LOT. I swear, you cannot make this stuff up. So, trying to look inconspicuous, I waited in an empty stall for Testicle Man to get all the way through the automatic doors. Then I circled back to his truck THREE TIMES before I got close enough to take this photo. Because that is just the kind of hard core journalist that I am

So, remembering that Katy's birthday was coming up, I knew immediately what I would be getting her. Thinking it might be a challenge to find such a "novelty" product, I was completely surprised by the FOUR MILLION sites that popped up when I googled "truck testicles". Seriously? Rachel Ashwell goes out of business after 20 years, Domino closes down. But the TRUCK TESTICLE industry is booming?! And they're not cheap either! It was $50 with shipping, just for the cheap plastic ones. So you can imagine the ones (like these pictured) that are silver or gold plated. DeAnna, this might be a new avenue for you to explore.  :) 

Anyway, on the day of her birthday Jason snuck over to her car that was parked at work and tied them on without her knowing. DD and I cried hysterically over the phone laughing. Just picturing her, all cute, probably talking on her rhinestone-covered phone...totally unaware of what was dangling from her car. But her employee ruined the joke and told her they were there. Which turned out to be okay, because she still drove home with them on her car, and even made a pit stop to re-attach them to our friend Jack's truck (who recently had a birthday too). I'm sure they will make their rounds, as this is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

And now I just realized that this whole post has mostly been about testicles. Not really sure where to go from there. I had intended on posting some photos from a real session. But I think, if I was a client I wouldn't want my photos posted under that picture. Think I'll just wait till tomorrow.  :)