There's so much going on in the next two weeks. It's making me slightly militant about my to-do list. And it's a love-hate thing, because even though it's gratifying to cross through obligations, it's harder to slack off when I know exactly how much is stacking up. On the other hand, it's my fault for piling up all these crazy deadlines. You might know I signed the lease on another studio a while back. Up until now, it's been a half-hearted attempt (I don't even have pictures on the walls!). Mostly because I only needed it for specific shoots. I was there seldom enough that sprucing it up took a back burner. And then it started to bug me. Like if you're going to do something, do it right. So I decided I needed a deadline. And there's nothing that makes you clean dust bunnies, like having visitors. SO, AUGUST 8th, you're invited! I'll be sending out something formal-ish within a few days. For now, mark your calendar from 4:00-6:00 for an Open House/Belated Studio Warming Party. We'll have wine, appetizers, and be offering mini makeovers for FREE. There will be jewelry, I'll be snapping pix, and the studio is within walking distance of some really cute restaurants and wine bars. So tell your friends and make it a girl's night!
Okay, now meet Kris Cracknell and her adorable family. She came to me as a referral from my cutie pattootie friend, Tara. And that's what I love about running a referral-based business. Cool people tend to have cool friends. And that's definitely the case here. I had the greatest time shooting them. If it hadn't been 102 degrees out that day I might not have let them go home. They were so much fun, and it totally came out in their photos.

People always ask me what to wear for their sessions, and this is a good example of a "DO": Coordinate without matchy-matching. Love it!

The great thing about Kris is that she really made an effort to bring stuff that she felt represented her boys, which always makes for a more personalized session. Plus it's always easier to photograph kids when they're having fun.

Thanks Kris (and Fam) and Tara! :)
A few other newsy things. Due to the number of inquiries we get for Hot Mama sessions, I've decided to build a site devoted just to them. We're swanking them up, and even changing the name, so keep an eye out. I'm hoping it will go live by the end of the week. In the mean time, we've also decided to do THREE more sessions between now and the end of the year. I'm posting dates because we can only take 8 ladies per day, and I like for blog readers to get first pick. So, the dates are: AUGUST 29th, SEPTEMBER 26th, and OCTOBER 24th. Email or call soon if you want to book.
In other news, have you guys seen what is going on over at Shutter Sisters lately? WOW. They are such an amazing group of women, and an inspiring community. I'm completely humbled to even be a small part of it. If you haven't been tuning in over the past few months, let me fill you in. Just because I'm super proud and inspired everyone. Jen and Stephanie recently WON a $50,000 Dream Assignment contest that was sponsored by Lenovo and Microsoft. This means they'll be going on assignment around the world, telling stories (through photographs) of specific people who represent the idea of Hope. I can't think of anything more amazing. In addition, they've been working in conjunction with Blurb and the whole Shutter Sisters community to create a book that will be for sale to benefit the people they're featuring. I'm in awe.
And although it seems fantastical, I'm brought back to a little phone call from Tracey a couple of years ago. She was talking about a website she wanted to create. That the name would be Shutter Sisters. And her vision was that it would be an inclusive community of women who love photography and life, a place for sharing, and learning, and growing. I even remember reading in her blog that she had passed out business cards for the site before it was built! I love that! Especially when you consider now, what the site has become. It's astounding, and a huge testament to the idea that big things happen when you take little steps. I'm just bursting with pride for the entire group of women. And feeling slightly giddy about finally getting to meet them all in person next weekend in Chicago. And speaking of BlogHer, if you're going to be there, let me know. I'd love to meet you, or have you join us in the Shutter Suite. We'll be having a Pajama Party (sponsored by Gap) and so much more!
Now, how's that for a beefy Monday post? Complete with mashed potatoes and gravy, today.