The Babyvision Crew: San Antonio Photographer

My good friend Brian thought it would be fun to treat his whole staff to a shoot the other day. Well, I'm not sure how much of a treat it was, because it's been over 100 degrees for weeks. Feels like your skin is frying off your face every time you walk outside. But they were all troopers...even the kiddos. And afterwards we cooled off by having a few drinks at the Huisache. Definitely the way to top off a great sesh. :)
Um, hello Miss (divaliscious model in the making) Eva...
Love this one.
Ashley, Brian and Shannon remind me of Three's Company. I think next time they should all wear tube socks, while riding banana seat bikes. ...Come and knock on our door...we've been waiting for youuuu....
If you are preggo, go visit Brian and his crew at Babyvision Ultrasound. They are awesome peeps! Also, speaking of being preggo, I think there are a few spots left for the Chic Mama shoot on Saturday. There will be hair+makeup+belly pics+lots more! If you're interested call (210) 545-7217 for deets!

Reader Comments (6)
I just wanted to let you all know that Dr. Jeffrey Benzick and I are starting a new program for post prego depression. Jeff is a Psychiatrist M.D. who is so compassionate. We can not wait to team up and help men and women with post pregnancy issues. It all starts before the baby, we can't wait to make a difference.
Brian Salmon
I love you M!