mish mash

Last weekend, we celebrated 3 birthdays. One of them was Katy's and it was definitely the highlight of my week. Because I'd been waiting to give her a very special gift. About a month ago, I was driving back from the studio on the freeway when I noticed something shiny and dangling from the truck in front of me. At first it was blurry, and I was sure my mind was deceiving me. Because there was no way that someone had hung testicles from their bumper. As I got closer though, I realized that yes. YES INDEED. Someone HAD adorned their truck with SILVER-PLATED GENITALIA. It was like spotting an alien spacecraft. I went straight for my camera, but then the truck started to exit. There was no way I could miss that shot, so in a panic I changed lanes to follow him. Yes, I stalked the Testi-Truck straight INTO THE WALMART PARKING LOT. I swear, you cannot make this stuff up. So, trying to look inconspicuous, I waited in an empty stall for Testicle Man to get all the way through the automatic doors. Then I circled back to his truck THREE TIMES before I got close enough to take this photo. Because that is just the kind of hard core journalist that I am.
So, remembering that Katy's birthday was coming up, I knew immediately what I would be getting her. Thinking it might be a challenge to find such a "novelty" product, I was completely surprised by the FOUR MILLION sites that popped up when I googled "truck testicles". Seriously? Rachel Ashwell goes out of business after 20 years, Domino closes down. But the TRUCK TESTICLE industry is booming?! And they're not cheap either! It was $50 with shipping, just for the cheap plastic ones. So you can imagine the ones (like these pictured) that are silver or gold plated. DeAnna, this might be a new avenue for you to explore. :)
Anyway, on the day of her birthday Jason snuck over to her car that was parked at work and tied them on without her knowing. DD and I cried hysterically over the phone laughing. Just picturing her, all cute, probably talking on her rhinestone-covered phone...totally unaware of what was dangling from her car. But her employee ruined the joke and told her they were there. Which turned out to be okay, because she still drove home with them on her car, and even made a pit stop to re-attach them to our friend Jack's truck (who recently had a birthday too). I'm sure they will make their rounds, as this is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
And now I just realized that this whole post has mostly been about testicles. Not really sure where to go from there. I had intended on posting some photos from a real session. But I think, if I was a client I wouldn't want my photos posted under that picture. Think I'll just wait till tomorrow. :)

Reader Comments (3)
You've officially gone 'nuts'.
I couldn't resist ;^)