this and that.

What a weekend. Two fun shoots, then a birthday party for Erin who turned thirty something. Not that it matters what you're turning, when you still look 20. We went to a new restaurant called Barbaresco's. The food was good, but their Grand Opening party is worth a link if you want to see chocolate-covered women being used as centerpieces. You know, when you see stuff like that, doesn't your mind just go to logistics and clean-up? Just sayin'.
So Sunday, we took a spontaneous trip to ZDT in Seguin. Since most people were flooding the malls for tax free weekend, we had the whole place to ourselves. Which is the only way to do it when it's the 55th day in the row of 100+ degrees. I've never been so grateful for an air conditioner, which by the way is fixed. And no thanks to SUCK ASS "Will-Fix-It". They misdiagnosed the problem TWICE. So while we baked our organs for a week waiting for the new compressor, it was actually something that could be fixed in 30 minutes. I'm still slightly homicidal over it. And also resisting urges to turn the air down to 50 just so I can put on a sweater. Winter, come already!
Monday was the first day of school, and I had high hopes of documenting the whole process. Turns out it was all I could do to grab this snapshot. I don't care if it was a prompted photo-kiss, I still adore it. My babies are getting so big.
And my grass is getting so brown. RAIN PLEASE COME TO SAN ANTONIO!
Well, I was going to post a bunch of photos from a real session, but now I feel like it would make this too long. So I'll set it for the morning. One of my favorite clients came all the way back from Holland, so stay tuned for that tomorrow.
later homeys.

Reader Comments (5)
We are so glad YOU were born.
We love you with all our hearts and will see
you very soon!!