
A whole month without blogging. I don't think I've done that in four (or has it been five?) years. I've been photographing like a maniac, thinking about everything I wanted to say. Then the days would pass, and it was all old news. It stacked up and became overwhelming. BUT I'M TURNING THE SHIP AROUND, because I miss it.
Being away for so long made me realize how much this whole thing has become an integral of my life, in large part due to the incredible friendships I've stumbled on because of it.
Not the least of which is my new blogger-but-also-real-life friend Rachel.
We met at the Mom 2.0 Gallery Showing in Houston. And I first intended to tell you about her when I was writing this post. But that was the night of DD's birthday party. I was late, and wound up having to end it abruptly. But if I'd had time to finish, I would have said that meeting Rachel was a huge highlight for me that weekend. In the midst of the awkwardness of not really knowing anyone or where I fit in, here came this sweet girl from Texas with a huge heart to match. She writes a crazy-popular food blog called A Southern Fairytale. And she has one of my favorite qualities that a person can possess. Which is when people who are really good at something have the ability to describe it so simply that it makes you think you can do it do it too. She is so passionate about cooking, that it's contagious.
So a few weeks after we met, she emailed that she was going to be Austin and asked if I wanted to meet up for lunch. Since New Braunfels is in the middle, we went to The Huisache. And I'm not kidding, we talked, laughed and cried through a three hour meal. There are not that many people in this world who can reach into you and find such real emotions in the span of three hours. But that's Rachel. I feel really lucky to know her.
*The necklace she's wearing is from her friend Lisa Leonard, who I first learned of through Kal. How crazy small is this world?!
You know after three glasses of wine we had to have an impromptu photo shoot...
Can't wait to see you again soon missy! :)
Tomorrow thanks to Jason and Kal, I'll be checking something off my life list (yes, I wrote one too). So should you. :)
Have a great day! It's nice to be back.