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Images courtesy of Shutter Sisters

The amazing Shutter Sisters is partnering with the Mom 2.0 Summit to host our first gallery show at the FotoFest in Houston! I've never had my work displayed in an exhibition, and it's especially exciting and humbling to be included with such great company. Tracey, and the girls, and everyone in the Shutter Sisters community has been putting their heart and soul into this site for years. So it's truly inspiring to see the fruit of all this hard work displayed in tangible frames and hanging on actual walls. As Tracey put it, "This is who we are. This is our life. And it is beautiful and heartbreaking and exuberant and really really important!" 

What's even more exciting is that all the art from the exhibit will be auctioned off, with the proceeds going to Haiti. I can hardly wait to see it in person! Even already ordered my 60s dress for the Mad Men party. Is anyone else going? If so, I'd love to see you!

Here's one of the images from the gallery. I haven't posted the rest yet. But what a sweet moment. And those curls...omg.

For more loveliness, check out this video made by one of my favorite authors, Katherine Center. What a way with words. 



Have you guys been following Kal and Elise this week? They started a project called Go-Ventures. Each day there was a different prompt. Anyone who wanted to play could create their own interpretation of each word. I loved her post today because it reminded me of our awesome conversation over wine and Ethiopian food. It made me wish that San Antonio and Winnipeg were neighbors. And you HAVE TO check out the piece she made that was inspired by vintage bus rolls. Who even knew how cool these things are?! I think I really need one. 

Anyway, yesterday I was supposed to play along. But sometimes I'm lame and I think that I can do carpool, ballet lessons, dinner, homework, a shutter sisters post, and a craft project in 5 minutes. So I'm late, but here's my interpretation of "PERMANENT". I started collecting ampersands last year because I love their shape. And to me they represent the idea that there's always more to the story, no matter how permanent everything might seem. 

Okay, so I don't usually talk about what my friends are up to here, but they've been doing some cool things lately. For instance, DD got a job HOSTING A COOKING SHOW! First let me tell you that for all the years that I've known her, she's been calling herself the Mexican Rachel Ray. You know how I hate cooking and wish that there was a way to sustain my health by injecting vitamins into my arm? Well she says that cooking calms her. At the end of a long day, she loves the ritual of going home and chopping, grilling, sauteing. Personally, I can achieve the same calming effect (with less mess) by uncorking a bottle of wine. BUT, cooking is her thing. AND, for as long as I can remember she has always talked about hosting a cooking show. HOW random right? I mean what are the chances that she would be looking on Craigslist, find a want ad for a TV show host (that was not a cover for a psycho killer trying to lure her into a van), go to the audition WITHOUT even a resume, and GET THE JOB?! Because that is exactly what happened! If that's not kismet, I don't know what IS. RIGHT?! I think it says so much about how much power there is in putting your dreams OUT THERE!

So, it's a local show and will air on GVTC next month. And she did so well at the taping that the station already expanded them from 6-12 shows. Here are some behind the scene shots of her if you want to check them out. So proud of you DD!

Okay so remember Jessica? You guys already saw this picture, but I'm posting it again because she's so pretty and she's not wasting it!  :)

You know that book called He's Just Not That Into You? Well, there's a part in it where he talks about "not wasting the pretty", which is what we've been telling her for a while. So she started a blog yesterday about how she's not going to settle for men that don't do things like send flowers etc.. Well, ONE day of her blog being posted, and someone already sent an anonymous bouquet of roses! Go internet. ( long as the anonymous sender is not the above mentioned van-owner).  :)

Here's a behind the scenes shot of that photo. Sometimes I get emails asking how I get people to smile. The trick is to bring DD and let her grab their ass between shots. Works like a charm.  :)

 K, remember I told you about my friend Cara who is an amazing writer. Well she got me all addicted to her new blog. Then she totally dropped the ball and made me stare at Carrot Top for MONTHS. That's just cruel and unusual. Especially after we even did a PHOTO SHOOT for your banner! Cara, come back already! 

She is 100% Irish, so the pub was a must. 

 She's going to kill me for posting the smoking ones. They're just props that we borrowed from the waitress.  :)

Another little known fact about Cara is that she likes to text random quotes from Jersey Shore. Like, I'll be standing line at the bank and look down at my phone to read, "I was going to put my hat down so I could get that money." or "I'm not trashy unless I drink too much." SO, when it was her birthday last weekend, I had to make her a customized card. It's in these moments that I knew I learned photoshop for a reason.

One more friend shout-out. Remember Tara? She looks like a supermodel. Only it gets worse because she's also nice. I know, it's not right. Because she can also turn your flabby buns into a brick house. This is her new card that I helped her make. So if you're in the area and want to get swim-suit ready with a vengeance, email her for deets. 

I also have some exciting news of my own! We found out this morning that our first shipment cleared customs in Dallas. That means it's a matter of days until finally-after-two-years-my-babies-will-be-here!! So, if you are one of the awesome people who has been waiting since December, your bag will ship very soon! Also, as a heads up, this shipment is sold out. BUT our second shipment gets here at the end of the month. So if you order now, it will be shipped from the second delivery. If you have questions, please email We're working on getting the blog up for that site too. And I have to say, I'm pretty much bursting at the seams to get these bags out to you all. 

I even made these little inspiration cards to stick in the pockets of each bag. I'll post more pictures on the bag blog, but here is one of them. 

Have an awesome weekend! xo


Doug and the Feinsteins  :)

It's not that I didn't like dogs. What I didn't like was their poop and fur and chewing and barking and constant need for food. So on the way to get him I was googling all the reasons why this was a bad idea:

"It says here that border collies are extremely demanding. If they don't have constant stimulation, they will turn psychotic. Psychotic Jason... did you hear that? They will go nuts and become pyromaniacs and burn the house down.

Jason: "It doesn't say that and I will take care of him."

Me: "And they become meth addicts with zombie strength that will allow them to chew through walls."

Jason: "We're getting him."

Me: "And hoarders. They become obsessed with collecting trash until your home is reduced to narrow pathways. Our family will be eating meals on the bed and not even Cesar Milan will be able to help us."


Me: "Fine but if he ever has crap stuck to his ass, I'm taking him back."

Then we got there and were met with the sweetest women who were trying to find homes for these dogs that had been rescued. I was trying so hard to pout and be in a bad mood. But as they went on, I couldn't help but be impressed by how much they loved these animals. Then they brought ours out... the one that Jason and the kids had already met, and decided on. He was gentle and sweet and potty trained. And he completely manipulated me into loving him instantly. 

His name is Doug. The kids named him after the dog from "Up". My control freak nature was apprehensive about it, but after getting to know him, it's perfect because his personality is just like that dog. Especially the scene where he goes, "I'm Doug, and I think I love you". 

 I've been keeping up with my picture project, determined to take more photos of my own kiddos. Here's one I snuck last night when he wasn't looking. Love my little reader. Even if he is reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid for the tenth time. 

There are still lots of sessions that I haven't posted here from last year. You guys probably know Dr. Feinstein by now. She is one of my favorite people. I don't know how many times I've shot them now, but they're always fun and laid back. Her boys are warm and smart, and engaging...and they never stop moving! No wonder she is in such great shape!

It was low light so kinda grainy, but I love this one. What mother can't relate to the deliciousness of her baby straight out of the tub. 

There is one more that I posted on Shutter Sisters last week, with a little blurb about the idea of strength. It took me forever to write because I've been feeling conflicted about things. How much of our lives we can control vs. how much we just need to surrender. It's here if you want to read it. I'd love to hear your thoughts. 

Also, I hate to end on a sad note but speaking of things we can't control... our sweet friend Lauren recently created a blog for her mom who has been fighting breast cancer. It's been especially sad because due to insurance reasons, she's had to continue working full time while she endures multiple painful rounds of chemo. I can't imagine. I think we will be working on a fund raiser for her. But in the mean time, if you're inclined please check out her blog and send any support you can...even if it's just a good thought or a prayer, or even a moment of gratitude for everything that matters most in your own life today.

:) xo


slow learner

I think I'm a slow learner. For instance, it took me a few years of traveling with children to realize that the term "vacation" was misleading. As "vacation" implies palm trees, beaches, margaritas, mornings spent sleeping in, and a general sense of relaxation. Totally impossible when your kid is pooping her pants on the concourse, screaming through dinner because her crayon fell under the table for the tenth time, and waking up all night regardless of that last glass of wine you shouldn't have had. Yeah, been there. But it wasn't until I'd reach a fever pitch of doesn't-this-kid-know-we're-on-VACATION?! that I realized "oh yeah, I guess not". It would hit me that "parenthood" is just a nice way to say "indentured slavery to an adorable dictator", and the term "vacation" just did not apply. What we go on are "workcations". Once you realize that, it gets a bit easier as you learn to just be grateful for the pockets of fun that happen between the pooping, screaming, and I-had-it-FIIIIRST moments. 

So back to the slow learner thing. It's only been recently that it's been hitting me how often kids need to eat. Every. Single. Day. Rain or shine. For richer for poorer. In sickness and in health. And yes I know I'm stating the obvious, and I've somehow managed to keep little people alive for 8 years. But I always felt frustrated about it... like why can't they invent a vitamin or a formula that could be a nutritional substitute for a six year old?! Because they can't possibly be hungry AGAIN! And "I know you want the crusts cut off. No you can't have grape jelly for lunch. And please don't fill your milk up to the top". It's always such and effort... and one that I find to be completely mind-numbing.

So, instead of reacting as if it's a shock that my kids get hungry every day, it occurred to me that maybe I could become a little proactive about it. I don't know how long this will last. Because knowing me, next week I'll have Dominos on speed dial again. But for now, I'm making a week's worth of meals all in one day. And it has been AH-MAZING. The mess only gets made once a week, and I don't suffer the mental anguish of WHAT-is-for-dinner-again?! And again? And again? Who knew that Planning could change things up this much? And yes, I know it's not novel.. just an idea that my slow-learner self never applied before.

This is what you call Peace Of Mind.

Ever since my vegan Uncle visited a couple months ago, I've been dreaming of the determination to let go of animal bi-products. I'm just not there yet. Not because I necessarily love eating meat. But because it seems like a big mountain of replacement habits to climb. So for now, I'm just trying to lessen our red meat intake. It's not so hard because Jason seasons a mean turkey burger. Something else that is revolutionizing things is The Big Old Bowl of Veggies. Like the rest of the world, I joined Weight Watchers a few weeks ago. This is how I always lost my baby weight before, but for some reason I've been really resistant to the whole meeting thing. But it turns out that the online program rocks. I've already lost seven pounds. Which isn't saying a lot, because I can gain that back just by looking at a pan of brownies. Maybe if I post it here, I'll stay accountable. For now, having a bowl of veggies all chopped and ready to go for the week has been a super easy way to grab a 2 point stir-fry lunch (once you count the olive oil). Plus I think it takes your body about 3 weeks to digest this much roughage, so it's a great hunger-diminisher.  

Okay, I truly don't want to come off like I'm some kind of health fanatic now. Because if I could get away with it, I really would eat cupcakes for breakfast every day. But I stumbled on an okay alternative for the I-need-sugar-NOW cravings. These frozen blueberries started out as one of Jason's ingredients to his protein shakes. Until one day I ate one, realized that they are SO GOOD, and have started hiding them from other family members. Because let's face it, those things aren't cheap! 

Alright, that's it for the self-improvement talk... wait, one more thing. I've been cleaning out all the 2009 images and had a terrible realization when I saw how FEW photos I have of my own children. It's been truly heart breaking. And I know myself well enough to know that there's no way I'll keep up with a daily photo challenge. BUT, I have been pretty diligent about taking more photos of my sweetie pies with the intention of putting together a monthly slide show. After all, I created a bag so that people could integrate their cameras into their real lives... there's really no excuse! So I'm not sure if that project will be included here or on the eventual Epiphanie blog. For now here are a few shots I can't resist posting that were taken today.

Ice cream. You know, to make up for all those vegetables. He's not about to cry, poor baby has had the worst allergies with all the cedar in the air.

She's about to lose it.

 This one will make me cry when she's grown up, I know it.

Those lips. 

Their "students".

Here's to a great week ahead. :)


shutter sisters day

This was cross-posted today at Shutter Sisters, along with some thoughts on perspective. 

I hope you're enjoying the beautiful week. I've been resisting the urge to procrastinate everything, if you want the truth. It's hard to get back into the swing of things, especially when it's 19 degrees outside. Makes me want nothing but a blanket, a book and hot chocolate. Oh well, happy Thursday! 

Oh, and if you don't go visit the SS post, I want to post this link here too...found via the amazing Melanie. It was so great...definitely worth the read as we go into the new year. 

Happy Thursday! xo