a painting named desire

I was brushing my teeth when he said, "You're never going to believe what I got for you." I knew it was against his better judgment that he was telling me, but he was about to burst.
My mouth full of toothpaste, "...huh?"
Him grinning, "Yep."
Drooling. "...you got me something? ...why??"
"Because I'm amazing."
And then it began. The part he hates. The Inescapable Questions. He knows they're coming, but the secrets eat him up so much he can't help himself.
Me, smiling. "What is it?"
"I'm not saying, so don't even ask."
"Is it something I can hold? Is it someplace we can go? Would it fit into a kleenex box? Is it something for the house? Will I need a bathing suit? A sweater? It's not a joke right? Because that would be really mean."
"Nope, and you're really going to love it."
"When does it get here? Is it a vegetable or mineral? Does it require a babysitter? Was it over $100?... $1000?"
"Stop ruining every gift I get for you by asking how much it costs."
"I'm serious."
"Fine. ...Will it help me check something off my life list?"
"I'm not sure, but you will love it."
Well, unbeknownst to him, it actually DID allow me to check something off my life list.
A week went by and I had actually forgotten about it when Emily burst into my office door. "MOMMY CLOSE YOUR EYES DADDY GOT YOU A PRESENT AND YOU HAVE TO CLOSE YOUR EYES HURRY CLOSE THEM!!"
When I opened, THIS AMAZING BEAUTY was staring back at me. In a million years I would have never guessed that his surprise would have been so well thought out and personal. Because (before you go thinking that we're some kind of dream couple that writes love notes to each other on the mirror) this is just out of character. Nothing against Jason. We're both pretty dreadful at birthdays and special occassions. We know it, we hate it. And that's why he said, "I want this to be the start of changing that."
And that ordinary day became a very special occasion. Because in addition to him being so thoughtful, I HAVE WANTED THIS PAINTING FOR YEARS.
By now you guys must know that Kal is my favorite artist. I love how you can see the graphic design in her fine art pieces. And I LOVE how she combines words with everything. And when you meet her, it's almost the same dichotomy. She is a total straight shooter, super strong lady who does things her own way. But underneath, there is a deep well full of intuitive insight. Basically, I just love her, and her work. And what Jason didn't know is that it WAS on my life list (which I'll write more about later) to own one of her original paintings.
Umm, sidenote. How fascinating is that? The fact that I had written it down and a few weeks later there it was hanging up in my office. Once again, there is SO MUCH power in putting stuff out there.
About the painting itself. It comes from one of her collections called "It's All About The Shoes". Each painting is from an actual pair of shoes from real women who had a story to tell about when they were wearing them, or what the shoes meant to them. This pair says "She was moved by desire." And (I found out after it was on my wall) that they were ordered by someone in Canada who wanted them so much she had them shipped to two different friends in Colorado and New York who ultimately traveled to Winnipeg to deliver them to her. Where they came from originally? THAT WOULD BE TEXAS. Um, I think this painting was meant to be mine. :) Thank you Kal for letting her go. She has found a very loving home here!
And thank you Jason for making such a thoughtful effort to bring us out of our all-work-and-no-play ways!
Love you both! xo
Reader Comments (20)
Awesome painting.
TEXAS for the win ;-) LOL
Good hubby ;-)
(I always ruin gifts by questioning the cost)
What a super-duper gift!
i just received my gorgeous 'ginger' in the mail today. thought i'd pop on over and tell you how much i adore her.
hope you're doing well.
Missing U.
no pressure of course....ha ha ha