San Antonio Family Photographer: Shelly and Travis + fam

I'm slowly climbing out of the "To Blog" folder. These were from back in December.
Since it's almost FEBRUARY, I'll spare you the theme-y shots we did. But I have to say that Travis was a pretty good sport about everything. You know boys never like to have pictures taken. Well, we had him out there with Christmas bulb props, and ladders. He even sat still while Shelly and I wrestled a Santa beard on her CAT. All this, while there was a football game going on, too.
They're pretty cute together. :)
I think Shelly and Trav are in a lot of trouble, in about 5 or 10 more years. Oye.
Now time to write a Shutter Sisters post for tomorrow. Any ideas? :)
San Antonio Photography,
Shelly Miles,
Local Personalities

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