Hot Mama shoot recap

Truth be told, I'd been dreading it. Not because of the shoot itself. But because I had completely depleted myself trying to get the studio ready. The last few days leading up to it, were INSANE. I realized WAY too late that I should have just hired people. But we've always done everything ourselves, so the thought never even occurred to me. I saw (again) how severely lacking I am in the relying-on-others department. And it causes a lot of unecessary overwhelm.
So while it's frustrating that we still have a ton of projects to finish, I'm pretty proud of how much we did manage to get done. Especially considering the fact that just a few weeks ago, I had no intention of ever signing another studio lease again.
But just like any other party, you forget about the dust bunnies as soon as your friends get there. That is assuming your friends are not lame enough to point them out to you. And this group of women who came on Saturday was AMAZING. They were fun, and deep, and honest, and endearing, and vulnerable, and strong, and just LOVELY people. I felt like I went into it all worn out and empty; and came out completely re-energized from being around so many wonderful people all day.
And that's not to mention my rock star friend Robyn. She is sweet, and funny, and laid back, and she is a true ARTIST when it comes to makeup. She doesn't just slap up a bunch of unintentional colors on your face. She looks at you, and customizes, and creates a look that is all yours. She is so talented. You should definitely contact her the next time you want to look (and feel) like a princess. And she also gives makeup lessons, too!!
Patricia Hill also did a good job styling hair. So if you're interested in trying someone new, her number is (210) 391-2048.
And there was also a happy surprise! About a week prior to the shoot, Kathy Cornett of BCC Jewels emailed me about offering her services for all the Hot Mamas to wear during their sessions. How cool, right?! So she set up a beautiful display of all her gorgeous jewelry. She makes the most amazing turquoise necklaces + lots more. And right now she's doing trunk shows, so if you're trying to think up a good idea for a girls night in, CALL HER: (830) 446-9945 or email She was a SUPER HUGE help to me at the shoot by making sure everyone had wine, or mimosas, or whatever they needed. And besides that, she's just fun to be around. She's the kind of person who makes you feel like you've known her forever, even when you've just met.
AND, last but not least, a HUGE THANK YOU to my good friends Michele and Tina. Michele came to join a girlfriend, and ended up staying to hang out, and help, and grab lunch for everyone. Then, Tina drove all the way to New Braunfels on a busy family weekend just to help clean up, and have a glass of wine with me afterwards. The whole day was an absolute pleasure.
And I have to say one more thing. I designed these shoots last year, because I simply wanted to make women feel beautiful. It was (and still is) a new concept, so there've been bumps along the way. In comparison to my other sessions, the preparation is very high maintenance. There's a ton of coordination, and at times, I've questioned whether they were worth continuing. Especially when they're purposely priced much lower than my regular sessions, because I know that (sadly) women have a hard time treating themselves to things. But I kept going. Because for me, it's not just about a pretty picture. It's about creating an EXPERIENCE for somoene that makes them feel catered to, and pampered. And maybe along the way, I could change or enhance how someone looks at themselves, and their bodies.
The surprise has been that I think it's starting to change the way that I look at my self and my body. I'm not sure how to put this to words. But at this last shoot, I felt as if I could see myself in every woman that I photographed. It was comforting. And validating. And I know this sounds weird, but it felt healing. Maybe I'll be able to articulate it better at some point. For now, I'll suffice it to say that I started doing these shoots as a gift for others. And as they evolve, I see that they are equally, if not more of a gift to myself.
So to each and every amazing soul who joined us on Saturday, thank you. You are all SO BEAUTIFUL. INSIDE AND OUT. xo
Reader Comments (11)
"Information produces Transformation."
Like, what you study, you become.
There's no doubt this is a two way street.
Not only are you reading the epistle of others,
but everyone is reading the epistle of Maile.
You are producing the same transformation in others.
Isn't love the best?
I so wish I lived closer; I would love to do a Hot Mama shoot!!!
Love this post and congrats on the studio!
How much time do you allot for each woman with the actual photographing? There are several women (MANY, actually) that I would like to honor by doing this with them, but I'm not sure how to structure the day. How many women did you do in one day? If you'd rather not share your trade secrets, I completely respect that.
Thanks so much !
Natalie, no trade just need to ask your hair/makeup person how much time they need and schedule it accordingly. I've done anywhere from 8-12 women in one day. But be careful because if you don't stay on schedule, you will lose daylight.
Thank you for all the sweet comments everyone! xo