San Antonio Family Photographer: The Feinsteins

Okay, so I almost deleted my last post because I was too busy to update yesterday. And Emily's picture made it feel like I'd been crying for 2 days straight. So much for impulsive blogging. I'm now over my frustrations, and have moved on to being excited by the new organization of things. Housecleaning is good.
So, I know the Red Sofa sessions are old news by now. But I found some that were never posted...including ones of the cutest Jaime Martin (from KJ97) and her boys. Maybe I'll post them this weekend. But today, here are a few from two separate shoots of The Fabulous Feinsteins. If you read this blog at all, you know that Karen is my peep. She let me into the operating room when she did Katy's C Section. She went on the Mexico girls trip with us. And I love her despite the fact that her rock hard ads made me feel like I should be closet-eating my chips and queso. :)
The whole fam. Owen (the youngest) was a busy boy that day. I think this is the only photo we have of him where he's within a 2 feet radius of the family. :)
Glen is also an OBGYN. How cute are they together.
And tomorrow is the big Kids Shoot at the studio. I need to get off the computer and go buy lollipops.