Ooooh Mexico...

Oh my. We went there, did that, and brought the T-shirts. Yes, we were "those" mommies on the plane.
Wonder how many times a day the clerks have to watch the stupid tourists do this. :)
We chartered a catamaran to to Isla Mujeres one afternoon. So fun. We laughed, danced, laughed, drank, laughed, snorkeled.
That is until they rushed us back into the boat, all serious-like. We didn't think much of it until our friend Michelle, who speaks Spanish, overheard them talking about the 2 BULL SHARKS that were in the water. You know the ones that are "more dangerous to humans than any other species of sharks"? Man, I KNEW I was hard core.
And if you were there, you are laughing right now at the notion of me being hard core. Because half an hour after Jaws almost ate us, I was dangling in the air on a wanna-be Mexican parasail. I don't know what it was called. Only that it had NO BUCKLE, and NO HARNESS. It was a single rope that you SAT in, and hung onto, while an oversized kite flails you all over the sky. And, let me clarify that I am not at all afraid of heights. NOR am I afraid of parasailing. Turns out I AM however, afraid of a crew of Mexicans that think it's funny to watch the white girl scream. It started out as a regular "This is high, but I'm okay" kind of shriek. Which turned into "Wow, my body is now horizontal, this is too high!" Then it shifted to, "Please don't let me DIE, I HATE YOU!!!". And that's when I backflopped onto my sunburn. I made it back like a cat who had been thrown into a lake. All pissy, I sat down and that's when the ever-so-wise Dr. Feinstein (who might know a little something about this situation) says, "You might want to wait on calling someone an em-effer until they DON'T HAVE YOUR LIFE IN THEIR HANDS". Note to self.
So now would be a good a time to show a picture of The Amazing Doctors: Gallagher and Feinstein. Also known as Shannon and Karen. And also known as the hot bodies who had to endure countless skinny jokes and endless teasing about how many tomatoes they were ingesting. Yes, and I do mean raw tomatoes, paired with things like lettuce, and carrots, and grapes for desert. It was a true example of what it takes to look that good. However, for my own purposes of denial, I prefer to tell myself they were just born that way. Nothing I can do about it. And where did I put that vat of queso?
The crew.
Isn't it nice. All these golden faces, smiling under the warm sun as it airbrushes them bronze.
Then it fries me like a raw strip of bacon being tossed onto a hot griddle. Don't be jealous. You know there's nothing sexier than burning the tops of your feet.
How many ways can Katy flash the peace sign?
This was taken the night we got all dressed up to go out, only to find out that the club OPENS at 10:30. That's practically our bedtime. (Where's my metamucil?) So we spent yet another night outside the hotel, hanging out. Okay, the truth is that we were stalking the guests at a wedding reception and jealously watching them as they danced the "YMCA". Whatever, you know you love it too.
I want to give a little shout out to Mallory who spent the ENTIRE TIME SICK. Poor thing. I hope you're feeling better!
I will be back again soon. I have a jazillion photo shoots to post just as soon as I can stop talking about my sunburned knees. Until then, VIVA MEXICO!! :)

Reader Comments (12)
And I'm so proud of you! Doing all those 'verge of killing yourself' things.
I road a scooter today.
Yep. I'm a Harley Nana now.
I think it's destiny. Us turning all death devils simultaneously and all.
I'm so glad to have you home. I missed you like crazy.
You guys look like a great group to hang with.
Gino and Heather