
I'm back! Swimming through emails, phone calls, orders...you know how it goes when you return from a few days off. The hard part is that I'm also feeling very distracted. As if every idea I've ever had, has decided to sprouted wings and swirl around in my brain like a swarm of bees. I think I need to learn to meditate. And I also think I'm finally going to call that Tai Chi place that my friend Suzanne has been raving about for years. She says it quiets your mind, and balances you out. Might be a healthier alternative to a bottle of chardonnay. So, I had the best best visit with my mom and sister. We realized that since we got married, and then had kids, it's been YEARS since just the three of us got to hang out, and be our old selves together. It's so nice to have people in the world who you can totally let go with. Sleep in. Laugh too loud. Or not. People who will tell you that yes those jeans actually do make your butt look fat. And all you are is grateful for the info. Yep. It was a rare slice. I'll post a few shots from the trip soon.
For now, you get to meet baby Cohen. How CUTE is that for a first name?! I love him. I loved his adorable, laid-back, fun parents too!
Had to get the A&M ring in. And his expression cracks me up!
Thank you Karen for the referral!!

Reader Comments (6)
Since Tai Chi is on my side of town, feel free to bring Suzanne over for a glass of Chard after class. ;)
For Ta'i Chi info go to southtexaskungfu.com on the web - cannot say enough about it! Chard and other flavors are still necessary for long term sanity. Sanity is good right?!
GNO helps, so great to see everyone.