Doug and the Feinsteins :)

It's not that I didn't like dogs. What I didn't like was their poop and fur and chewing and barking and constant need for food. So on the way to get him I was googling all the reasons why this was a bad idea:
"It says here that border collies are extremely demanding. If they don't have constant stimulation, they will turn psychotic. Psychotic Jason... did you hear that? They will go nuts and become pyromaniacs and burn the house down.
Jason: "It doesn't say that and I will take care of him."
Me: "And they become meth addicts with zombie strength that will allow them to chew through walls."
Jason: "We're getting him."
Me: "And hoarders. They become obsessed with collecting trash until your home is reduced to narrow pathways. Our family will be eating meals on the bed and not even Cesar Milan will be able to help us."
Me: "Fine but if he ever has crap stuck to his ass, I'm taking him back."
Then we got there and were met with the sweetest women who were trying to find homes for these dogs that had been rescued. I was trying so hard to pout and be in a bad mood. But as they went on, I couldn't help but be impressed by how much they loved these animals. Then they brought ours out... the one that Jason and the kids had already met, and decided on. He was gentle and sweet and potty trained. And he completely manipulated me into loving him instantly.
His name is Doug. The kids named him after the dog from "Up". My control freak nature was apprehensive about it, but after getting to know him, it's perfect because his personality is just like that dog. Especially the scene where he goes, "I'm Doug, and I think I love you".
I've been keeping up with my picture project, determined to take more photos of my own kiddos. Here's one I snuck last night when he wasn't looking. Love my little reader. Even if he is reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid for the tenth time.
There are still lots of sessions that I haven't posted here from last year. You guys probably know Dr. Feinstein by now. She is one of my favorite people. I don't know how many times I've shot them now, but they're always fun and laid back. Her boys are warm and smart, and engaging...and they never stop moving! No wonder she is in such great shape!
It was low light so kinda grainy, but I love this one. What mother can't relate to the deliciousness of her baby straight out of the tub.
There is one more that I posted on Shutter Sisters last week, with a little blurb about the idea of strength. It took me forever to write because I've been feeling conflicted about things. How much of our lives we can control vs. how much we just need to surrender. It's here if you want to read it. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Also, I hate to end on a sad note but speaking of things we can't control... our sweet friend Lauren recently created a blog for her mom who has been fighting breast cancer. It's been especially sad because due to insurance reasons, she's had to continue working full time while she endures multiple painful rounds of chemo. I can't imagine. I think we will be working on a fund raiser for her. But in the mean time, if you're inclined please check out her blog and send any support you can...even if it's just a good thought or a prayer, or even a moment of gratitude for everything that matters most in your own life today.
:) xo

Reader Comments (17)
I find that Ms. Feinstein looks like Hilary Swank in that last shot. What do you think?
I love all your shots, as usual. Funny - last week I was house and dog-sitting, a Border Collie! It made me think how much I'd love one of my own. Good for you for stretching a little and taking on a dog for your family. I can see how much the kids love him! He looks adorable.
I miss you. :)
You sure did pick a high voltage dog. Smart, smart dog. And loyal! Expect him to herd your kids when they're outside playing. (Good thing you put the universe on notice that you don't do pooh.)
Do you think his nickname will end up being 'Doogy'?
One of my dear friends battled cancer for a long time and I saw the struggle of her family through this journey. Please let me know what you plan to do for a fundraiser and I will help in any way I can!
Here's to smart, beautiful Douggie Dog being a winner of a pooch..... and keeps his nose and butt clean!!! And hope he W*O*W*S the socks off of you too!!!
p.s. Do you think Cesar....or Kal.... is available for dog advice/training? ha.
Big congrats on your new family member...he's so pickin cute, I just want to fly to TX and hug him too! And that's so funny...I am totally starting a take-more-pics-of-my-kids project. I think I have like 5 images of them from 2009. oops.
:) have a fab weekend!