Shannon + Jeff + Help for Karen

This is my cute friend Shannon, and her cute boyfriend Jeff. And they are so cute together. I think I told them that too much at their shoot. But I couldn't help it because they're so cute.
And I loved her cute dress too...which incidentally she has a hilarious story about. I'm not going to tell it, except to say that it involved the play Wicked + a street vent. Maybe Shannon will read this, and fill in the deets in the comments. It's one of the best stories ever! Shannon?? :)
Jeff is really camera shy. It was a constant struggle trying to lure him out of his shell.
Okay, one more thing. Remember when Shannon hosted a Hot Mama shoot at her house? Well, that's how I met Tracy Kubinski. Which is how I met Karen Hansel. Remember the one who is battling with stage 4 cancer? Well, you know how the world's problems can seem overwhelming? And you know how you always wish there was something you could do to make a difference? Well, this is one real way. In a nutshell, Karen is a single mom, battling a very cruel disease. Tracy has put together a way for you to donate either old gold (you know you have some 1994 crap that is wasting away in your jewelry box). Put it to good use! Or you can purchase a few raffle tickets ($20 each). The grand prize is a 5 day Caribbean cruise! If you're interested in helping, there are more details up today at Shutter Sisters.
And thank you again to everyone who has already emailed about helping! You all are completely amazing! xo

Reader Comments (5)
After a wonderful Saturday afternoon of seeing Wicked with cute Jeff and my neighbors (who are a lovely couple in their 60's), we were walking back to the car on a VERY busy Houston Street in downtown SA. There were people and cars everywhere. I, less than cleverly, stepped on an air vent and that dress, which is very light and very boxy, shot up quite like a hot air balloon over my head. I looked in front of me and saw a trolley of people and knew that my neighbors were getting the view from the back, but my brain otherwise did nothing helpful except signal to my hand to GRAB FABRIC AND PULL DOWN. Still on the grate (why?), dress still over my head, I managed to tangle my thumb up in my UNDERWEAR, which I proceeded to pull down to my knees. I can only remember looking down and wondering why my underwear were down there. Finally, I seemed to gain some semblance of composure and jump off of the grate, making my way to my vehicle as fast as possible. Thus far, I have not found anyone posting this as a video on you tube, and for this I am thankful :)