Karen and Dominic

I got an email from a previous client-turned-friend Tracy, saying that her sister in law was battling through Stage 4 Cancer; and would I be willing to do a portrait session for her and her son. OF COURSE. But when she called, she was already scheduled for an intensive chemo treatment. This meant she'd be losing her hair in a week, and the only opening I had for a month was the last spot at the Hot Mama shoot. While being a "hot mama" probably isn't what someone is thinking about the week before starting chemotherapy, it was actually perfect timing. Because this way she'd also get to enjoy the experience of being pampered with hair and makeup. Plus the opening had just popped up the day before due to an emergency cancellation. It was clearly meant to be.
So, because these sessions are meant to be a day-out-for-mom type thing, I usually don't allow kids. Obviously this would be an exception so Karen could bring her son Dominic (who happens to be amazing). We buzzed around him in a whirlwind of hairspray and lipliners, chatting it up while he sat reading, patiently waiting for his mom. When it was time for the shoot, I was struck by how quickly they warmed up in front of the camera. Normally it takes a few minutes for people to relax. But the love between them was right at the surface...palpable and overflowing, and so beautiful to witness. I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the privilege. And it occurred to me that this is how I should feel at every shoot. Because at the end of the day, it's really not about taking pictures. It's all boils down to saving what you love the most. I love Karen and Dominic for reminding me of that.
Please keep them in your prayers, that she would experience a full and speedy recovery. xoxo
If you know of someone who is battling this horrible disease, please email me. I want to donate up to one portrait session per month for families who have been going through this.
Also, in the spirit of living life to it's fullest, you must check out this link I stumbled across last night. It's called "Why Settle for a Little Life?" by Dane Sanders.
Have a Grand Day. xo

Reader Comments (9)
Maile, your generocity and talent, are just a glimpse of how wonderful your heart is!
I, too, add my heartfelt "yes" and "amen" for a season of miracles for Karen. I'm praying
for courage, strength, and peace while her healing springs forth.
Much love,
These photos are fabulous. What a wonderful gift for you to give. There must surely be a special place in heaven for talented and generous people like you.
Terri D