Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! San Antonio Photographer

So it's Spring Break and the kids are home. And what better a project to keep them busy than to have them write the names of all the commenters who entered the Custom Lola Contest. Yay for busy work and for an hour of occupied kids!
drum roll, drum roll.
The lucky Lola winner is: YAY! I will be emailing you in a bit so we can coordinate.
Also, I was so happy when I went back to read "busymomma"'s comment and saw that she calls her daughter Fred. When we were little, my nickname for my sister (Kelly) was Ned. Hey, no one said nick names have to make sense. But it kinda made me think it was meant to be.
And as for everyone who ordered a print and/or custom design, I am ON IT. So fun to hear all the requests! You all should be receiving everything within a few weeks. And if you want to place an order, they are still available here. And the link will stay on top of the blog for as long as supplies last and/or I get sick of doing them. Whichever comes first. :)
Here are a few pictures to end your week with. Remember the road trip I went on a few weeks back, to Mullin. Well this was the adorable family I was driving up to photograph.
Cutie patootie cousins.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Reader Comments (1)
Wonderful, great work Maile!!!
Have a colorful day!