The DeYoungs

Here are the rest from Amy's shoot...(scroll down two posts for my favorite shot).
If you don't know the story, I somehow found Amy online while blog-stalking my favorite photographers. I kept up with her for a while...and by that, I mean lurked in the background and read about her life without ever commenting. Then one day I read that she was moving to San Antonio. So I de-lurked myself and invited her to lunch. And I was glad I did because she's such a cool chick. The kind that you feel like you know right away. Comfortable in her skin, and just easy to hang out with. Turns out her husband Paul is the same way, which made for the best candid shots. And I won't lie. Shooting other photographers always gives me a few butterflies. But they made it easy peasy. Plus, how can you go wrong with a family that looks like this.
Her main reason for the shoot was so that SHE could be in some photos. What a concept. :)
I love baby Jay's expression here. Looks like he's puckering too.
My links STILL don't work, so here is her website if you want to see her work. She is who I refer all my wedding inquiries to, if you're interested.

Reader Comments (13)
You Maile... you capture the life that is truly Life.
The colors rock!!
Photographers ACTUALLY IN photos with their family? Craziness. You should come on family vacations with me - you know prove that I was actually there. :-)
The pictures are great. You are very talented. Thank you for sharing these gems with us!
Thanks for all your inspiration and I look forward to the day you photograph my family.