Back from the Tuck

A little regretfully, my camera lived in the bag most of the weekend. If I'd been in the mood, these are the snap shots I would have taken:
Me white knuckling the steering wheel of Aunt Wanda's huge SUV.
Annie sailing leaf boats.
The man who came into Dairy Queen to pay three dollars and thirty five cents that he owed from the prior week.
The frames on the Dairy Queen wall, which proudly displayed photos of the towns' far-away sons in uniform.
The way the sun shined through the wheat field oceans.
The sky as it turned from black to blue. I'd never laughed an entire night away outside.
Four hundred pounds of potato salad.
Five hundred pounds of pasta salad.
Two pounds that was added to my ass. Just kidding, I'd skip that photo.
But I would take one of the dog that was brought to the wedding in a stroller. Swear.
The huge meal that Jason's Meemaw made, at SEVENTY FIVE years old...AFTER she finished ironing a thousand white table cloths.
Peepaw watching Barack Obama on Fox, saying that our country needs a change.
Old stories that never really get old.
New stories that will become old.
The best part of the whole trip was that I got to meet my daughter. This weekend made me see that in my crazy to-do list life, I'd reduced my children into tasks. I was lost in making breakfasts, packing lunches, pick ups and drop offs, time outs, and "don't-do-thats". I'm embarrassed to say that I forgot there are little people under there. All you have to do is see them in front of you.
Reader Comments (9)
I need to catch my breath.
It was stolen somewhere between
"leaf boats"
and "new stories that will become old."
On second thought...
I never want to catch my breath.
So much love,
PS. Love what Mama sweet.
Very cool.
Just kidding!!!!
You seriously should consider a profession in writing... you know... in your free time. Speaking of which - when are you EVER going to start that book??? In Mexico perhaps?!?!?! WHOOOO HOOOOO!