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Hi Net. That's your new name. In case you were wondering. It's short for Internettily Dettily Doodly Doo. Whoo. I think the million hour work weeks are making me loopy. Either that, or I'm deliriously happy to have MY CHRISTMAS TREE UP!! I will restrain myself from posting photos just yet. I know how we all get when Christmas trumps Thanksgiving. So, on that note, are you ready to get your turkey on? I know I am. Even though our families won't be here. But I won't go there. For now, I'd like to spread the joy. Look what Miss Superhero sent to me!! Joy in the mail! Isn't this lovely?! And so fun to photograph too! Thank you Andrea! I love it!



And if there is actually a person on earth who hasn't heard of Andrea and her superhero-tastic blog, go visit her now! And be prepared to stay a while. I discovered her three years ago, through I didn't even know what a blog was back then. Only that I couldn't stop reading hers. She has a way with words, art, jewelry...she is also a life coach, and just a cool chic who is full of honesty and inspiration.

Okay peeps, it's back to work now. I just got back from my first shoot at an airport, which was mucho fantastico. I'll post those at some point. Along with all the others that are waiting in the wings.  :0)

p.s. What is your favorite blog?


Professional Business Portraits

We're starting out all business on a Monday morning. :)

I did some headshots a few weeks ago for The PHMY Law Firm. Initially, I'd expected a very formal shoot, but it turned out to be lots of fun. They were going for "professional, but approachable", and I think we acheived it. A big thank you to Jane Fritz and Melanie Vaneck who organized everyone throughout the morning.  

I still get so many requests for professional headshots, and organizing everyone in your office for the same day is the BEST way to do it. This way, the lighting is consistent for each photograph, and it gives your website a way more cohesive and professional look. I will come to your office, so it's really convenient. And the pricing is all-inclusive...meaning you get the CD afterwards, as well as the copyright. So if you're interested, email me and I'll give you a quote based on how many people you need photographed.





Stop shrinking my day.

I took this out the car window (around 5:45!) on the way home from a shoot the other day. And despite the pretty-ness...I would still like to vote no on daylight savings. Thank you and good night.




Music is my boyfriend

If you are waiting for an email, a phone call, an order, a baked potato, a winning lottery ticket, or a CD... please bear with me. This has been the busiest week of the year. Plus I got sick. But I will be working all weekend and throughout next week (except for Thanksgiving). So I promise I will get back to you ASAP. I hate that acronym. It's almost as bad as "I've got a lot on my plate" which makes me think of a rotten truck-stop buffet.

Okay, since I seem to be veering off into the miscellaneous...enjoy this random and entertaining music video. I woke up with this song in my head and it cracks me up. I love how they shot the video in their what-seems-to-be pajama t-shirts; and the guy with the hat and casio keyboard. Music is my beach house.

I'll try to post again this weekend.


Girls Night In

My camera and computer are apendages these days, but I did take time out to hang with the girls last night. So fun, as usual. Michelle and Tina put together this really beautiful dinner. Thanks you guys. My week is never complete without you.




This is me striking a blurry pose because I told Tina not to turn the flash on. Yes, I know it's crap, but I thought I'd post it to prove my existence.


This is Michelle and Tina hiding from the "next day blog picture"  :)    ...and yes, that is the Jessica Seinfeld book that Tina asked me to bring because they apparently do know how to turn their ovens on. Maybe one day I'll be normal.



Life is sweet.
