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Shelly's event went so well last night. Jason and I made a little date night out of it, and had lots of fun. Plus Miss Shelly raised almost $8000 for Brighton! Let's hear it for drinking margaritas for charity people. That's what I'm talking about.

My sweet mom went on a shopping spree for the girls. This was right BEFORE we found out that China likes to bake up poison and feed it to children. So, I've been staring at Killer Doras for WEEKS.  Does anyone out there know where I am supposed to send the Magical Biohazardous Castle? And while I'm at it, I would like to urge everyone out there to please boycott the toy industry as much as possible this Christmas. Seriously. You know kids only play with the boxes anyway. And if you need ideas for non-toxic holiday shopping for kids, what about a trampoline, or bike, video games, books, clothes, trips to go DO something, pets...hmm...any other ideas? Post them in the comments. Let's brainstorm for ways not to kill our kids at Christmas. And while we're at it, let's think outside the box for adults too. Like Etsy. If you're like me, and the mall gives you hives, this is the best online place to find all things handmade. Plus you get to support a real human with a soul who put thought and time and effort into your purchase. Yeah? Yeah.

Just say no to China.


Next, another gift from my mom (she is thoughtful like that) after she watched the Oprah about sneaking vegetables into your kids food. I think this is brilliant, and much better than sneaking lead into their dollhouses. As soon as I learn how to turn my oven on, I'm totally going to do this.


And in the spirit of missing my mom, I will share a little card I made for her last week. You know Thanksgiving has a way of making the chairs at the table seem a little emptier. I'm counting down until Christmas when she and my sister will finally be here.


Okay, I need to get back to work. The minutes all have assignments. And I need to finish my chores before I get to go play at Girls' Night Out tonight. Well, it's actually girls night in at Michelle's. We're ordering sushi, and that sounds GOOD TO ME. I might even bring my camera tonight girls, so get out of your sweats and wash your hair!  :0)


What is better than a Tutu-giveaway?

Melody is GIVING them away you guys! Go check it out.


The Canseco Family

I knew I loved them when I saw this wall.








They had originally planned for a shoot with just the girls, but you know I have a way of being pushy and making everyone jump in for at least ONE. And this is how cute they looked! Thank you Gorge and Amber for being one of the warmest families I've ever come across. The love you have for your girls is striking, and palpable all over your home. It was such a huge pleasure getting to work with each one of you.




Personal story about Brighton

After reading about Shelly's fundraiser dinner , Susan sent me this email:

"I am crying as I type is very overwhelming. Brighton is the organization helping us and Mister Paul. The services are free for us and we too would greatly appreciate anyone who could help them raise money...they are an awesome group and we are so blessed to have theme in our community!!!"

Come to dinner tomorrow night, and support a great cause people!  :0)


Delaine Mathieu and her should-be-professionally-modeling family.

Last weekend I had the pleasure of photographing Delaine Mathieu from the WOAI news team, along with her beautiful family. I always say that cameras can be (understandably) intimidating. Personally, I'm the WORST in front of a camera. So I totally sympathize, and am continually impressed with how natural most of my clients are, as I snap away at them. Then, some days my job is cake, because the person I'm photographing is already used to the camera. So I was expecting Delaine to be comfortable with me. The surprising thing was that her WHOLE FAMILY was the same way. Totally laid back and comfortable in their cute-as-can-be skin. I'm not kidding when I say that they literally posed themselves all morning. I just followed along clicking the shutter.






These last two are my favorites of the day. Maybe even month.

