



































Entries in Birth Documentaries (2)


At Last

Our good friends Cara and Anthony waited a long time, and walked a long road in order to meet their son. When that day finally came, I think their whole world was bursting with happiness around them.

(Text from our favorite Dr. Hasty that morning)


As my friend Stephanie would say, this photo makes my uterus ache. Do you not just want to eat this chin?

If you want to see the whole day, get a tissue and click below.


Mac's birthday from maile wilson on Vimeo.

Music (in case you haven't been exposed to Western civilization for 50 years): At Last by Etta James

Congratulations Cara and Anthony! I really want to kidnap your child. But I'm also really happy for you too. 



Birth Documentaries

My first reaction when I was editing these, was a profound sense of sadness. I remember crying at the realization that all I have to remember the births of my three children are a few obligatory snap shots. All of them posed, smiling, and taken after the important moments happened. But prior to this, it had never occurred to me to hire a professional to capture a birth. Now it seems insane NOT to. We spend thousands of dollars to remember our wedding day. Yet, on a day that is equally, if not more important, we rely on doped-up memories and a few family members with their point and shoots. I so wish I had thought to do this for myself. So it was even more of a privelege to be able to give this gift to someone else...especially for friends who mean as much to me as Katy and Damon.

Waiting outside the operating room. Damon is a surgeon, but that day he was just a nervous dad.

 The good doctors.

This was a happy mistake. I had wanted their hands to be in focus, but later thought the watch was more appropriate anyway.

My favorite.


Gotta love those hottie panties they give you afterwards! hahaha!


 If you need more info, let me know:  :)