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Kantuckity Split

Hola peeps! What's shakin? I wanted to pop in here to say hi and bye before I leave for Kentucky tomorrow. I love Kentucky. It's probably the best state in the union, if not just for the nick name possibilities. I mean, who ever really calls it Kentucky? NO ONE, that's who. There are too many other options. The Tuck, KT-to-the-Key, K-Lo, KY Jelly. ...There's a lot going on in that little blue grass field of biscuits and gravy. 

Oh God, don't get me started on the biscuits and gravy. For one, it's a crime against humanity to go to Kentucky TWO WEEKS before you are supposed to GET INTO A BATHING SUIT in Cancun. Yes, my starvation diet lasted about ten minutes. Just long enough to slow my metabolism from "Barely Breathing" to "One point above 'corpse'". It is frustrating because I always lost the weight with my first 2 pregnancies. And now I'm going on YEAR NUMBER THREE, after the third. you think the doctor will clear me to work out? You think enough time has passed? Maybe I should be on the safe side and wait 5 more years. Wouldn't want to strain anything. 

Okay, I bet y'all (yes, I'm going to Kentucky tomorrow so I can say it). Not to mention that five Texas summers have earned me the right, y'all. What was I saying? Oh, I bet y'all are wondering if I will ever post some "real" pictures up here again. The answer is that I will y'all. Just as soon as I get to it y'all. Sheesh y'all.

I do have a TON of sessions to post. But right now I'm editing up some midnight oil. It's 10:20pm, and Jason just walked in with Starbucks for me. If that's not love.

Anyway, this my friend, and fellow photographer, Amy. The dumb linky thing still isn't working, so you can find her at I'm trying to finish her session before I leave. But I fell in love with this image so much, I had to post it right away. How sweet is this brand new family? If THAT'S not love. 


Okay, back to work. And then packing. Yep, you know I haven't even gotten out the suitcase. Because the world might spin off it's axis if I did things in advance. So really, I'm looking out for y'all.

Oh, and a few more things. In the last post, I said Katy's new collection was called Lush. It's actually Luxe. Whatever Katy, you're so picky.   :)

Also, I will have access to email and voicemail while I'm gone. But please give me a day or two to respond, as I will be busy frying cheetos and dipping them in chocolate milk shakes.

I am going to try to blog. Hey, think positive! And I'll see you in The KY Jelly Tuck Master 

Reader Comments (9)

have fun in kentucky... that is where my dad's side of the family is from. Fancy Farm, KY to be exact. yes i said Fancy Farm
June 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichele Moore
Looks like it's a Jcrew ad! So cute. I love her work!
June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRachel Brooke
I love your blog!!! You are too funny!! I love it!! AAANNNNDD I love your photos! You so rock!
Rock on with the biscuits and gravy!!!
June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristina LeMarr
Just Enjoy Life and quit worrying about the dieting/starvation thing! You're still BEAUTIFUL to me:)
June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoi S
Hey there! Good to hear from you. I love the Caden Lane stuff! Makes me want to have another just to decorate:). Great family shot, cute baby!!! Have fun on your vaca and enjoy the buiscuits n gravy...I SO miss that food, they don't have good southern food here in SoCal.
June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShii
So happy you'll be in kentucky - it's where i live (in lexington), if you're landing in my city and need a ride at the airport, lemme know! i met amy deyoung in february and she *glowed* as a soon-to-be mom, you created a treasure for them! warmly, -melanie-
June 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermelanie
I LOVE that image. It is full of everything that is good in a family. makes my heart melt.

Have fun in Kentucky! :)
June 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercathy
Bring back some of that "Blue Grass" I keep hearing about. Have fun, and I'll check in on J-dawg to make sure he's not "Risky Businessing" it at the casa.
June 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaul
Thank you THANK you THANK YOU!! I LOVE this image and can't wait to see the rest:) Hope you had a safe and fun trip!
June 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmy DeYoung

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