MUCHO photos coming through.

Between Chance and me, it's been BIRTHDAY CENTRAL around here. Thought I'd post a ton few photos of what the last week looked like. The girls started school on my birthday. This picture is kind of fuzzy because it was so humid outside, it fogged my lens up!
I would have loved to let her wear her ruby slippers to school, but they'd gotten too small. Oh well.
Sandee was brave enough to leave this innocent little (live) basil plant at my doorstep. I probably won't use her for cooking (seeing as I haven't heard of a microwave recipe involving fress herbs). But I love the way she smells. Thus her name, Miss Basil Smell. Not to be confused with the carcenoma. Now I just have to keep her alive. Wish me (her) luck.
Then my mom made me this pretty necklace...not even knowing that I'm all into butterflies right now because it's part of my 1+1+1 painting. Plus a really sweet letter because she likes to make people cry on their birthdays.
I also drove up to my favorite TX town again to talk to Mimi (remember, the cool lady that gave us a cigarette for Shelly's shoot?) about doing more shoots at the junkshop. It was such a nice rainy day, I couldn't resist grabbing a few shots on the way.
Then I met Jason for lunch at my new FAVORITE BURGER PLACE EVER. We were sure it was a franchise because it's so squared away. But we met the owner (well, he came outside when he saw me taking pictures of his sign). His name is Jorge Cosio, and this is the first restaurant. IT IS SO GOOD people, so GO THERE and support him so there will be many more! I'm talking Ahi Tuna burgers and the BEST sweet potato fries you will ever taste. Just check out the MENU, and GO. I'm serious, I've been there like 3 times in 2 weeks. IT IS THAT GOOD.
They even have FREE WiFi people! And yes, this is Jason on the computer, on my birthday. We both have the internet coarsing through our veins.
Then Tina, the most amazing hostess EVER, was so sweet and made dinner for my birthday. She is the person who makes you feel intimidated to ever have a dinner party because she's so good at it. Like, not only does she have enough forks, but she has a the special dish that is just for asparagus. And speakers that play music OUTSIDE too.
Plus, she never lets your glass get low. :0)
Some of these are blurry because of the low light. The ones that are in semi-focus are because I was using my super technical trick of using my face as a tripod. That's right. Call me Annie Leibowitz. If you press the camera into your cheek, it can actually be quite stabilizing.
I love Judy's expression here, so I'm making it my Best Shot Monday.
Besides my face, the table is my second favorite choice for a tripod. I love this shot of Andrea and Michelle.
This is Michelle's best American Beauty imitation. Very gooott! And yes, my cheek trick didn't work on this one because I was laughing too much.
Nor did it work on this one because of the same reason. This is Suzanne waving to her sister, Bebe, after I said, "You know ya'll are going to end up on the blog again, right?" HI BEBE! ....Right after this, she got up on the table and did a strip tease. JUST KIDDING!!! :0)
Judy hated having this photo taken, but I made her do it because the light and she were so pretty.
It was a nice change of pace from the normal restaurant-hopping we do every week. I had so much fun...ALL UP UNTIL THE POINT WHEN ANDREA TOLD HER HORRIBLE, HORRID GHOST STORIES. At 1:00 AM...sitting on the porch IN THE DARK, mind you. I had to drive home at 1:30. All by myself. Out on those black roads. BY MYSELF. WITHOUT ANYONE THERE. BY MYSELF. I wouldn't even look out the windows when I got home. Thanks A LOT Andrea!
Phew, that was a lotta pictures! Have a great day People Of the Net.
Reader Comments (15)
And the little-lolas... I'd have to speak the language of heaven to find verbs and nouns and adjectives to adequately describe such purity. I guess it all boils down to the four letter word. LOVE.
I hope I get to go to GNO when I visit. If my book is done by then, I'll bring copies for everyone.
And what a great birthday party! Wahoo!