I break for ducks.

Yesterday the cleaning ladies came again, which made me deliriously happy. I love that there are two of them. They're in and out so fast that I don't have time to feel guilty that someone's scrubbing my toilet. It helps supress my psychotic urges of wanting to make them a turkey dinner or buy them a pedicure. That was my high point. The rest of the day was a treadmill...lots of running around, while getting nowhere. Plus a few fires that are still burning, but that's life right? There are always fires burning somewhere. I think a lot of unhappiness comes from thinking we can ever extinguish them ALL. Problems are like the Chucky Cheese game where another irritating bear pops his head up right as you've batted the last one down.
SO. This morning. New day. I was up at the crack for an early morning shoot with one of my FAVORITE clients-turned-friends. She is such a very cool lady. And today she re-introduced me to Boerne. In the past I'd been to Boerne, only when we had out of town visitors. The trip always seemed full of effort and endless. I guess kids do that to you. Because this morning's trip was fun! The only thing I had to load into the car was my coffee and camera. No one screaming in the back seat. Even the radio was on my side. FIRST song into the car was Going The Distance by Cake...churning, and burning, they yearn for the cup. Then the Chili Peppers, Can't Stop...Go write your message on the pavement, Choose not the life of imitation... (you have to sing these out in your head). THEN Stone Temple Pilots...and it just went on like that. Thirty minutes seemed like ten and before I knew it I'm in the cutest town to experience a coffee high in. I totally heart Boerne now. And if you don't, you will after you see this picture. If you don't love a town that breaks for ducks, I'm pretty sure your soul is rotten.
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