When I grow up I want to be the mom who has a kleenex.

Wow, 30 comments! I think that's the most I've ever gotten. THANKS you guys! You totally made my weekend. Seriously.
Everything is crazy with school starting in a week. I'm getting ready for life to be put into hyperdrive. It's the same feeling you get when you're in line for a waterslide. You know it will be fun, but you also feel totally out of control while you're hurling through the tunnels. But I'm determined to be better this year. I want to be the mom with the safety pin in my purse. Or at least not be the one giving my kids cookies for breakfast (ok, that only happened once, but the guilt scarred me for life). Anyway, today I'm doing something that I always swore against. I'm getting a membership to Costco. In the past, I always thought that place was gross...like who needs fourteen pounds of mayonnaise at once? Not to mention the overwhelming lines and parking lot. Yuck. That's what Costco meant to me. But this weekend we went through a whole (HUGE) pack of waffles in one sitting and I had to break down to the fact that we have turned into candidates for bulk purchasing. I just need to accept it. And even embrace it. After all, it might bring me one step closer to always having snacks. Oh, to be the Mom With Snacks.
I had two fun shoots this weekend. The third was reschduled because of rain. I'll try to get them posted soon. I'm still behind on posting shoots from weeks ago, and Kentucky photos too. Wow, the whole safety pin thing is already not looking good at this moment.
Here is a laugh if you need one. I love her site.
Have a good Monday internet.
Reader Comments (8)
As for safety pins... now you can buy them in bulk at Costco!