What happened after the maternity shoot. And at least I spared you a full sized photo.

My feet were KILLING. To the point that everyone was laughing as they watched me hobble around the store. And I couldn't take my shoes off because this is what my toes looked like.
That's right girls, I painted them while they were already in the heels, and only polished the ones that showed. Don't try and act like you've never done it.
So I get into the car, I'm wiped out and think a nap will help. At home, I head upstairs, lay down and my feet still would NOT STOP THROBBING. So much that it was keeping me awake and made me decide that I needed a pedicure. So I got up and called DD to join me. I love last minute plans and friends that jump into them. The next thing I know I'm sitting in the chair with my feet in hot water. Sounds like heaven right? EXCEPT for the fact that I got the MAN WITH THE LONG, FILED THUMBNAIL AGAIN! I'm starting to think it's a conspiracy, because no matter where I go, from salon to salon there is ALWAYS a version of this man who works there and HE HAUNTS ME. He, and his LONG, SLIGHTLY YELLOWING, PERFECTLY OVAL SHAPED NAIL THAT POKES AND GRAZES MY SKIN DURING THE WHOLE PEDICURE. It might as well be a hermit crab. Or a rat's tooth.
But it was still fun because DD was there and we got to chat it up and even have a drink afterwards. And, shockingly, (it kills me to admit this, but) my toes actually look great. And I even had a french done, which is rare because I used to do nails, and I'm really picky about them. I like the line thick, but not too thick. I hate when it's too thin. And I especially hate when the lines are uneven. Some thick, some thin makes me just have to get the remover out. So, see? I'm really annoyingly picky. But Lee Press-On Thumb actually did a great job. And you'll just have to take my word for it because one Toe Portrait is quite enough for the day.
Also, I'm cheating and making this my Best Shot Monday entry too. Check out the rest here.
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