Chic Bellies

The maternity shoot! Where to start? First off I wore HEELS. I know, total rooky maneuver. I stopped dressing up for photo shoots a long time ago. But, I'm so behind in laundry (big shocker) that the only clean pair of jeans I had were my long ones that can only be worn with high heels. A half an hour into it, my dogs were BARKIN'! Sandee and Bonnie swung by to say hi and even brought me Starbucks which made me (and my feet) feel very lucky to know such thoughtful girls. Thanks you guys! I hope Lyla loves her new outfit. And Bonnie your new car is BEAUTIFUL! I hope you know how spoiled rotten you are! :0)
Anyway, I photographed FOURTEEN BELLIES! The shoot was supposed to be from 12:00-2 and I left around 3:40. So it was a GREAT success! Next time I think I'll plan to stay even longer. It was fun to bust out the old studio equipment and meet so many nice peeps. Oh! PLUS, on the way there I had to swing by the craft store to get new markers (for fun belly-writing). But then I found these cool rhinestone sticky things instead! What a fun new toy I had to play with! Here are some of my favorites from the day.
A VERY HUGE thank you to EVERYONE who came out to show off your cute bellies! I will have them all uploaded for you within the week. And a DOUBLE HUGE thank you to DD and Katy who invited me to come play for a day. I had so much fun!
Shoot, I have one more P.S.
Are you a font-aholic? I can literally spend hourse searching for just that "right" one. It's like sitting at the roulette wheel, going "just one more time", "one more", "no, one more. I know it will be next". Well, I found some unique ones. Actually Kal found them and I just bought them too. See that really cool scratchy font in the middle of the first photo? I bought it here and it was only a dollar. That's a good deal people! Check it out!
Reader Comments (3)
btw-i share your love of fonts...i have a ka-trillion..mark thinks i'm nuts to spend money on "fancy typing things" but what does he know? i have all donna's fonts too....also love fonts by tia bennett and kelly purkey...good stuff!