Through Their Eyes Africa

This is an amazing project. Jessica Claire, along with some of the most amazing photographers in the world, will be traveling to Africa to help mentor young adults to teach them to take pictures. This will allow them to show the world what life looks like from their perspective, as well as give them skills to use later on. Then their photos will be used to form a traveling exhibit all over the country. How amazing is THIS?! I love this idea so much I'm going to donate $25 for every session that is scheduled this week. So, CALL THIS WEEK! This is such a great example of how people can use their own specific skills or talents to find unique ways to give back. If you'd like to make a donation, go here. Today they're having a Blogothon, so please check it out! It's a really great cause!
Also, just to add more of an incentive, I'm entering ANYONE who donates today to win a FREE iPod SHUFFLE! If you donate, just add a comment here to let me know (this is the honor system, and remember what goes around comes around so be honest). Everyone who donates will be entered to win! So come on peeps! It's an easy way to help and you might win something too!
*if you're still having trouble commenting, please email me. All emails will count too.
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