I'm Famous! (sort of) :0)

I have so much to post! Photos from Annie's first ballet recital (sniffle), a sweet newborn shoot from this weekend, new album page designs. I'll try to get pictures up soon. For now I just want to brag. Bludomain (my daily addiction, and the best resource for photographers EVER) featured me on their blog today! (You have to sing the last part of that sentence to make it sound the way it does in my head). Yeeheehee!
As you'll see on their site, Kailee is publishing a book and asked for people to send in the top ten things you'd like to attain in your lifetime. Seems easy enough right? Well, it's not. It really makes you have to stop and think about what you want your life to look like. Not what you think you SHOULD want it to look like.
So, since this is a great exercise, and also because I'm terribly curious, I want to put it out there for any one of you to post your Ten Things too. You can leave them in the comments here, or post a link to your blog. Fun!
Oh man, I wanted to do a whole post on this, not just a few sentences. But it goes so perfectly with what I'm talking about. I just need to share it now. You all know that I'm a TOTAL Kal groupie. I wish I could put her art into a needle and shoot it into my arm. THAT is how much I love her. And her work. And her perspective. And the way she seems to walk her talk. (Kal, aren't you glad you live in Canada? No need to get the restraining order just yet). Well, she has come up with such a great idea! It's another great way of making you think about what you really envision for yourself. I'm going to paint something. Not sure what yet. But I'm sure it will find it's way up here when I'm done.
And, as a side note. If you've tried to post a comment on the blog and been re-directed to Delightful Blogs repeatedly, I'm sorry. I've gotten lots of complaints about it and we're working on figuring out why it's happening. Please don't hesitate to send me an email! info@relishportraitstudio.com
Reader Comments (4)
Hey. Consider getting yourself to Concord, NC April 10-13, 2008. I can't tell you why yet - but, I promise it will be extra good and inspiring and I WILL BE THERE making a bit of a USA debut. It's still on the Down Low - BUT - keep it in mind. Shhhhhh.