Umpaloompa Loompadee doo.

Annie's first ballet performance last weekend was a total Sonogram Moment. You know, being a parent is mostly unpredictable. You're on this ride, never knowing what's up next. But then sometimes things go just as you'd hoped. These are the Sonogram Moments. While they measure femur bones and listen to heartbeats, you lay there on the hospital table and imagine what it will be like to know this tiny new person. So small she could fit into your hand. But your dreams for her couldn't fit into the span of the world.
Sandee and her husband actually came to see her, which was so sweet. I always feel lucky to have her because she tells me things like "Don't forget flowers!" I would've had no idea otherwise!
Umpaloompa cuteness.
I wish you could see how big the stage was. No one was willing to venture all the way out into the middle, so they did the whole dance right next to the curtain.
And you know Emily had to get her wing time in too.
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