Lord help me accept the things I cannot control: like UPS and the Weather.

Yesterday was insane. I got up at 4:45. Got Chance ready for his field trip, even had time to glue on fake lashes. Sitter was on time. The morning was crazy, but rolling along. Then the UPS truck wasn't here. The UPS truck that was holding the albums I needed to display on live TV in an hour. Was not here. The UPS truck that was supposed to be "guaranteed" by 8:30am. Was not here. Are you kidding me! I called. They said "oops". And I stared out my window in my black boots WILLING the truck onto my street. I had until 9:00 at the latest. He sauntered up my driveway at 8:59. I tore open the box and praised the Lord I hadn't left a minute earlier. Until I got onto the freeway that was stopped bumper to bumper. IN THE RAIN. Are you kidding me again!? I showed up fifteen minutes late, and had to make 4 trips out from my car lugging all my crap, I mean photos, into the studio. Did I mention it was through the rain? Oh, and my umbrella was broken. It only worked if I held it open manually at the top with my hand. So I'm picturing myself looking like a wet rat, talking about my moldy photos in front of all of San Antonio. Then realized the power of "Oh well". And not in a poor-pitiful-me way. Just "I've done all I can do". And let me digress for a second about how panic attacks are kind of awesome because once you have one, you realize how much they suck. You don't want to have one again so you're forced to find ways to just "simmer down now" (as my sister would say). Of course I didn't want to be San Antonio's Wet-Rat Photographer. But honestly, there are worse things. And here's how it always works out. As soon as you've done all you can and detached from controling the outcome, an Angel beams down from heaven to help with the rest. Yesterday her name was Selena. She's my friend who is also the weather producer at WOAI. She happened to be walking down the hall at the same time that I was melting into a rodent in the lobby, and said "Here's a mirror. Let me help you carry those. Here's where you stand. Here's what will happen. And here's a cupcake". Ok she didn't say "here's a cupcake" but she might as well have.
OK. Now I'm headed back into the endless post production work from the 2 senior shoots this weekend. I'll try to post some soon, as well as a few from the Oregon trip.
Oh! AND. My FAVORITE artist of all time mentioned my blog on her blog! (Does the last part of that sentence officially certify me as the Queen of Geektown?) I don't even care. I have been stalking her for about a year here. She is so AWESOME! Not only for her amazing artwork, but for her graphic ability and her WORDS and her shoe collection. You have to check her out. She is completely my rock star art hero. And if anyone ever wants to buy me a Christmas present, her book is at the top of my list. :0)
Ok. Really. Now I'm back to work.
Reader Comments (3)
Can't wait to check out the artist you love. Always nice to find someone new.