Cute Melody

I had lunch with Melody today at The Peach Tree Kountry Kitchen (I don't think they have a website). But it was the cutest little dollhouse of a place to eat a (huge) chicken salad and enjoy my sweet friend. We walked around to shop a bit afterwards, which was a nice change since I'm usually on a mission working up there. I even found a little housewarming gift for my friend Kristi who I'm going to see this weekend in Dallas. Shh...don't tell her. Of course, I can't go anywhere without ambushing people with my camera. So I busted out a mini photo session of the Hip Momma herself. Melody is a super photographer/documenter of her family life. And she deserves to get in front of the camera once in a while too.
Here's the first shot. Did I mention that I was ambushing her. Me and my camera can be very bossy.
Can you hear her saying, "ENOUGH ALREADY!"
Also, a few of you were interested in purchasing one of Melody's ADORABLE nap mats. She said if you email me, I can give you her email address for you to contact her about it. But that you have to be patient because she's working on Halloween costumes right now. Thanks for ripping me away from my keyboard for a few hours Hip friend!
Reader Comments (13)
Second...she is SO pretty!
Third...I WANT HER NECKLACE!!! Love it and the thickness of the ballchain! :)
It is a wonder that you can take a thing like rusting corrugated aluminum roofing and turn it into an earth-tone-extraordinaire back-drop... There's the wonder that you effect a trust in people that allows them to reveal their authentic selves... Then there is the wonder of your friendship... You are an amazing friend... And finally, the wonder that you possess the creative ability, not only to keep outdoing yourself in your art of photography, but simultaneously, and more importantly, in the art of your motherhood.
And as with all wonders, I stand in awe.