




































The Flannelgram Flaningans

Dear Mr. Three A.M.,

Your brothers and sisters, One and Two O'Clock are much nicer than you are. Sure, One and Two have their moments. They get snippy, but they're mostly forgiving. YOU on the other hand, Mr. Three, are a cruel viscious bastard of revenge. What happened to you anyway, Three? Maybe you were abused by Father Time, but that's no reason to make my mornings a torture chamber. I haven't even started Christmas shopping. I still have clients to shoot (thank you RAIN!), a bazillion work ends to tie up, AND I have to wipe the yogurt splatters off my walls, before my mom and sister come around the mountain. Here they COME! If you continue to abuse me like this Mr. Three, I might have to abandon you for your Hawaiian cousins, Ten and Eleven A.M. and let the chips fall where they may. And you will be the Three that stole Christmas.

Think of the children, Three.   

From, Your very tired friend


So in true put-your-friends-and-family-on-the-back-burner form, it has taken me two months to post these snaps from Dallas. In OCTOBER. Sorry you guys, I hope there's one you can use for Christmas cards. I had intended on doing a "real shoot" with you, but as you know, my editing marathon cut things short. And really, I don't think anyone's ever in the mood to do a photo shoot, when you only have a couple hours to visit. Next time I will take a lot more you guys!

Me and K-Lo


P-Diddy and Sammy


Cute Miss Aly and Rilyroo.



This picture of Kristi is so her. She's a rare, unguarded person who wears her heart on her sleeve in a self-assured way that makes you feel like it's okay to be whoever you are.





Thanks for a fun visit Flaningans! You guys are our Texas family.


Run Tasha! RUN!!

Wow, you guys. Your comments in the last entry were so nice! Thank you!! It was totally worth paying you all off to say such things. I promise your checks are in the mail.  :)

Hey, does anyone want to share a few songs from your workout playlist? My crazy running speech therapist friend Tasha, (who I've known since 8th grade) needs some suggestions. I put a bunch of my favorites in her comment section. And thought maybe you would like to help a girl out too, right here. Plus I'd also like to read them.   :0)

p.s. Tash, Kelly just recently posted about her playlist. They're not all for working out, but you might find some new ones.




I know, I know. I swoon a lot. Part of that is just me. I'm hot, I'm cold, and fine, maybe a teensy bit dramatic on occasion. Please don't tell Jason. I've finally gotten him to thinking that I'm normal. Honey, ALL WOMEN have an imaginary break on the passenger side. The other reason is that I just think it's fun. I think people are the most interesting thing that there is. I mean, don't you? And aren't we all especially fascinated by people who do "a good job"? Even if you could care less about what that "job" is. Like I could give two craps about baking a pie. Turn on Paula Deen and you feel like you won't be complete until you roll out some handmade dough. For an entire hour, you'll be planning out all the pies you're going to give out for Christmas presents this year. And as a side note, she also makes me wish I'd been born in Georgia so that my accent would make everything sound delicate. I bet that comes in HANDY.

Anyway, this is how it is with Tonie. Really, I could give two craps about how to cut someone's hair, but she's so into it, that for a few seconds, I will find myself thinking "I could do beauty school at night. I could, I could."

Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Tonie Tonie Tonie. (sorry, I can never say her name without thinking of that old 90's group)

1. When you first meet her, you're really meeting her. You'll see what I mean when you meet her. She's not pretentious.

2. She keeps the conversation flowing, but is not in the least bit offended if you just want to read about Angelina and zone out.

3. She is FAST.

4. She uses lots of different colors. NOT JUST BLEACH. I hate that.

5. If you really want her to only cut a half an inch, she will only cut a half an inch.

6. If you don't know what you want, she can tell you her opinion based on what is right for YOU for your face shape, and your lifestyle. Not based on what she's comfortable cutting.

7. She's not easily rattled. Must come in handy with her more dramatic clients.  :0)

8. Her prices are way too low. I actually don't like this about her, because I've paid double for TERRIBLE hair-dos elsewhere and that's just not right. She is way too good for what she charges. BUT, I do know you will like it if you manage to squeeze in with her before she does raise her prices. (And really Tonie, you need to)

9. She uses a razor. And if you are scared by this, don't be. In my experience, the best hairstylists always use a razor. She's not shaving you bald. She's making it lay better.

10. Her cuts are the easiest to style and they last forever.

If you want to get in, call her at (210) 779-4694

And no, I was not paid to say this. And speaking of that, I should just mention that no one on this site pays for being on here. I got an email the other day asking about how much it was. But the people I've listed in the sidebar are all just friends and/or businesses that I personally know, or have worked with. They are all really good people, who just do "good jobs".   :0)   Peace out.


Double post today. GET ON THE BUS!

You may have seen on TV already that my friend Shelly Miles is doing another fundraiser for Brighton. It's called the Shopping Bus and it's going to be FUN! We're meeting tomorrow Friday night, (December 7th at 5:30) at Bin 555 in the Artisan's Alley to SHOP!! There will be special discounts at all the stores, PLUS drinks, appetizers, and a designated driver (the BUS) to take us all over town. You will also receive a goodie bag with products valuing over $150 from stores like Traditions, Studio Two Twelve, ME, and MORE! So get your girlfriends and JOIN US! It's going to be a really fun girls' night out, PLUS you'll get some shopping done, AND get FREE GIFTS, AND HELP A TRULY GREAT CAUSE. Also, if you are not in San Antonio or would just like to help, you can call Brighton directly to make a donation. They are such a truly amazing group of people. All their services are free, and they help so many families and children here in town. SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? PLEASE CALL NOW FOR YOUR TICKET!! The price has just been reduced from $75 to ONLY $45 when you call Chic Mama Maternity TODAY!


Hope to see you tomorrow night!  :0)

For even more details, click on this link.


Tonie Tonie Tonie Baloney

Meet my cute hair stylist Tonie, and her adorable familia.









Tonie is a country girl. She likes wranglers and cowboys, and all things rustic. But don't let that fool you because she is also a cutting edge hairstylist. The best one I've ever had. I'm going to follow up tomorrow to tell you all the reasons why I love her. For now you get to see the evidence from when we spent the day trespassing on the tractor farm (again). You can blame Angelia. She was the first one who got me into this life of misdemeanor crime.