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The Flannelgram Flaningans

Dear Mr. Three A.M.,

Your brothers and sisters, One and Two O'Clock are much nicer than you are. Sure, One and Two have their moments. They get snippy, but they're mostly forgiving. YOU on the other hand, Mr. Three, are a cruel viscious bastard of revenge. What happened to you anyway, Three? Maybe you were abused by Father Time, but that's no reason to make my mornings a torture chamber. I haven't even started Christmas shopping. I still have clients to shoot (thank you RAIN!), a bazillion work ends to tie up, AND I have to wipe the yogurt splatters off my walls, before my mom and sister come around the mountain. Here they COME! If you continue to abuse me like this Mr. Three, I might have to abandon you for your Hawaiian cousins, Ten and Eleven A.M. and let the chips fall where they may. And you will be the Three that stole Christmas.

Think of the children, Three.   

From, Your very tired friend


So in true put-your-friends-and-family-on-the-back-burner form, it has taken me two months to post these snaps from Dallas. In OCTOBER. Sorry you guys, I hope there's one you can use for Christmas cards. I had intended on doing a "real shoot" with you, but as you know, my editing marathon cut things short. And really, I don't think anyone's ever in the mood to do a photo shoot, when you only have a couple hours to visit. Next time I will take a lot more you guys!

Me and K-Lo


P-Diddy and Sammy


Cute Miss Aly and Rilyroo.



This picture of Kristi is so her. She's a rare, unguarded person who wears her heart on her sleeve in a self-assured way that makes you feel like it's okay to be whoever you are.





Thanks for a fun visit Flaningans! You guys are our Texas family.

Reader Comments (4)

Nasty Mr. Three. That's why he's been placed way into the middle of the night. No one likes him. So, he's only allowed to show up when the average person is supposed to be 'nicky-nite-nites'. The secret to Three is complete avoidance.

Webster defines avoidance as 1. act of not going near or keeping away from somebody or something. (Three in this case) 2. act of not doing something. 3. act of making something invalid; LAW - the act of making something invalid.

New Legislation: Ban Three.

And take naps whenever possible. Relish the action of in-action.
December 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMa'
Kick Mr. Three AM to the curb! Your mom and sister might need some left over yogurt while they're there!

December 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMaya
these pics are so beautiful. creamy and beautiful. :)
December 12, 2007 | Unregistered Commentercathy
I think I am having an affair with Mr Two although I occasionally flirt with Mr Three. He's not so bad really. As long as you don't need to function again until Mr Nine or Ten show up. *sigh* Unfortunately, I have had rather urgent appointments with Misters Five and Six to deal with and THOSE guys are reeeeeeeaally mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
December 22, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterarizaphale

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