Blogher 2011

Last week I went to San Diego for Blogher. I spent my time being overwhelmed by it last year, which translated into avoiding it altogether. It's probably not accurate to even say I was there, because most of my time was spent shooting Karen and Rachel for Epiphanie, and being a tourist on crack with Lauren.
So this year, rather than feel submerged by everything I wasn't doing, and every person I wasn't meeting, I set my intention to just focus on the moment. If I could connect with a handful of people in a few great conversations, it would be a success. I'm valuing quality over quantity these days. So even though the size of the conference was the same (maybe bigger), I felt at ease.
Well, mostly.
There were also moments where I felt like I was hovering outside my body. But it wasn't because of the frenetic pace of Blogher. It was because I'd made the decision to detour into San Francisco beforehand to see friends. While it was fun, both trips together ended up feeling like too much time away. I was secretly homesick and kind of sad about it throughout the conference. Which is lame because there were so many people I wanted to spend time with, without feeling mentally torn about being there. Jason kept telling me that the kids were fine and to have fun. And I did, despite the tug-of-war that is mommy guilt. And despite how angsty this is beginning to sound.
First of all, it was 70 degrees, compared to the 105 Degree Beat Down that is Our Texas Summer. I would be lying if I told you I didn't google CA house prices at least once while I was there. Right up until I remembered how expensive 70 degrees is. Dude, it's like $5 per inhale, more on weekends.
Epiphanie was one of the sponsors at the Clever Girls party, which took place on the roof top terrace of Hotel Solamar. Lauren flew in for a day to help, which was fun because I don't get to see her much since she moved to Houston.
Lauren has also never taken a bad picture in her life. Beeyatch.
Fun times were had at the party, and all I have is this craptastic iphone photo to show for it.
Here Lauren and I are, with Amy and Angie from I Heart Faces. Those girls are so much fun, and they also never stop. If you're ever interested in taking a photo workshop, I highly recommend them!
Ready for more crappy iphone pictures? This is one of my good friend Karen who just went to Kenya with One. We gathered in the hotel bar to watch their segment on ABC news. So inspired by all they are doing.
While we're talking about amazing people, I roomed with Kristen (on the left). She is one of my favorite writers on the internet. If you don't believe me, just read her Bachelorette recap on Mamapop. It will make you laugh out loud. I felt lucky be rooming with her because she's one of those relaxing people that you instantly feel like you've known forever. I'm just a little afraid that my homesick out-of-body self might have inadvertently taken advantage of her ten years of being a therapist really-good-at-listening self. I swear next time I will let you sleep Kristen.
On the right is Alli The Great.
Remember when we did her shoot only so I could come home and change the entire design of the bag that she was modeling? We decided to do the re-shoot while we were both in the same place. She might be my all time favorite person to photograph, if only for the fact that this is how she warms up.
And she loves Sally O'Malley as much as I do. Winning!
I mean, please.
Keep an eye on this lady. She is changing the world for the better, and I am not even kidding.
And that's all the pictures I took, which doesn't come close to highlighting all the great moments. But that's okay. Sometimes that's a sign that you were actually in each one of them.
Reader Comments (9)
And love the photos "jumping on the bed!" So taboo, yet so FUN!
It's also great to see BlogHer through other bloggers eyes. (I posted a few times this sure to come visit me!)
Thanks for the awesome post-made us HomeHer gals feel like we were there too!
I had such a lovely time with you and Kristen. I know I obsess about your bags (see above) but you are such a wonderful woman. Seeing you makes me happy.
but way more love.
love love love
see you soon xoo
Yeah, well, it sucked so bad that I burned it. On purpose.
Number one on my Christmas list is one of your bags. Lusting for a year is long enough.