catch up.

Had a shoot this morning, and it started raining. Right at the end though, so it was okay. Now it's just dreary and overcast. Seems fitting because we lost our bunny yesterday. And this is how I know that I've been behind on blogging for a LONG time, because I never even had a chance to take or post pictures of him! Shoot. We got Cheetoh at Easter for the kids. And I'm not really an animal person (don't hate, I have enough crap to clean up after). But I'm sad that he's gone, pellets and all. Jason had been letting him out in the evenings to play in the backyard because his cage was getting small. He'd fly up into the air, and spin in circles. It was fun to watch him play and stretch. But we went into the house for too long yesterday evening, and he must have found a way to wiggle under the fence. I'm bummed. The kids cried last night. And Annie drew all kinds of pictures about how much she missed him. Sad.
On a lighter note. The photo sessions have been stacking up, so it's time to post pix!
This is my good friend Erika. She was the first friend I made in San Antonio when we moved here 6 years ago. I was hormonal, and homesick, and 8 months along with Annie. She happened to be pregnant too, and helped me with referrals for everything. It was such an overwhelming time to be up-rooting; I don't know what I would've done without her. Our babies ended up being born 2 weeks apart, so it was extra special for me to get to photograph her next pregnancy.
I also think she has a way with the camera. There's a lack of self consciousness and an ease about her. This one's my favorite.
Love the ones with Derrik, too. He's a ham!And I know I've mentioned this before, and she's on my links page. But Erika is The MAVEN when it comes to home loans. She did ours (which is how we met). And I think it says a lot when you become lasting friends with your mortgage person. She rocks. And not just because I like her. She is truly sharp as a tack, a straight-shooter, and head and shoulders above her competition. Even with the recent down turn of the real estate industry, she stays crazy busy. And she's like a savant when it comes to numbers, and remembering facts. *Sidenote related to that: One time I went to a huge bead show with her. If you've ever been to one, you know that there are literally THOUSANDS of beads stacked upon acres of tables. She was going down each row, asking for SPECIFIC stones. Like, "Do you have an African, Azrolite Topaz Tiger Striped Clam Claw?" (I'm totally making that name up). While I was going, "Wow, that pretty shiny bead is so pretty and shiny!" I mean seriously...who knew they even had names, let alone remembered what they were?! She is TOTALLY the girl you want on your side when you need financing. And she can also do out of state loans, too.
Okay, next up. SHUTTER SISTERS stuff. I posted over there today, come visit! More importantly, ALL the Shutter Sisters (including me too!) will be in Chicago next month for BlogHer. I've never been, so I'm super excited to see what it's all about, and to meet the people behind so many of the blogs I've been reading over the years. And Tracey has put together a killer Shutter Sisters suite at the Sheraton, complete with fabulous sponsors like Blurb, Aurora, HP and Lensbaby. We hope all of you will come by to visit! Also, we'd be so honored, if you'd help us spread the word on your blogs/Facebook/Twitter! If you're inclined, you can copy and paste it, or find a button right here. Tracey also started a Shutter Suite blog, which you can find by clicking this icon. Hope to see you there!
And speaking of social media, I cracked and joined Twitter. Although I have yet to post one thing. Maybe I'll break the ice today. If you want to follow me, I'm here. :)
Ah, posts get long when you've been neglecting your blog. I want to post some pix from Mexico. But we all made agreements that there would be no drunken, bathing suit or dancing-on-tables shots floating around the internet. So that's going to make it VERY hard. :) Just kidding...(sort of). I'll try to root through and find some that are tame enough to post. You know, Facebook takes all the fun out of life. And all I have to say is that I'm SO glad it wasn't around when I was 20. Our poor kids.
And I think that's it. It's still overcast, but I see a glimmer of sun peeking through. Maybe that will motivate me to get some makeup on for girls night out tonight. If you're reading this girls, I vote for someplace that I can wear a pony tail. 3.5 hours of sleep last night is getting to me. Tick Tock Tick Tock.
I hope to be back with a little more regularity. For now, peace out.
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