The Busbee Family: San Antonio Photographer

Lianne and her cutiepie girls joined us for the last Kid's Day. Here are a few from their sesh. :)
Thanks Lianne, I loved working with you all! And thanks Angelia for the referral, too. :) I'll post more from the Kid's Day tomorrow.
In other news, I looked at the calendar this morning and realized that the summer is already closing in on me. SO, in an effort to keep life SIMPLE, I've devised a VERY good, very straightforward special, which I will run throughout the summer. It will only be valid for a LIMITED number of pre-selected weekdays throughout June, July and August. But if you've been thinking about having your portraits done, or want to get a jump on the holiday rush, I promise you will not want to miss out on this. And since blog readers are my favorite, you get dibs. If you want to be contacted first, let me Before it's posted here, an email with deets will go out in about a week.
And that's it for now. Except for the fact that it's 6:00pm, and I'm dying for coffee. This can't be good. I see a long night in my future.

Reader Comments (3)
Hope you're feelin' good today. Ooh, and not up too late. :)