San Antonio Family Photography: Brian+Cristina+Eva

My favorite thing about Brian is that he's always singing. Like, I'll be sitting all bored in the carpool lane, and the phone will ring. And it will be him on the other end singing "MAI-I-I-LEEEE! MAI-I-LEEE! STORMS OPERATE IN YOUR EYES, WHOOOOOHHOOHOOH!" You know, nothing brightens the day like a little impromptu Jefferson Starship. On the flip side, Cristina is very calm and cool (ER doctor that she is). But just when you think she's all business, she will bust out with the best one-liner. She has a killer, dry sense of humor. So between the two of them, and their cutie patootie daughter Eva, they're just a fun family.
And they're fun to shoot because you never know what's going to happen. We started off at their house, and ended up trespassing in the yard of their neighbor's vacant home. Sweet.
Little Miss Gorgeousness.
You guys probably already know this, but Brian also owns Babyvision Ultrasound. If you're pregnant, you have to go visit him! He has such an awesome set up, where you and your family and friends can chill on the couch, while viewing your baby (in 3D) on a big screen. It is the coolest thing ever!
Also, they've been so nice over the years by sending me lots of bellies to photograph. So (I'm going to make this a permanent feature later)...but as a way to say thank you to him, and all my favorite vendors who have referred people to me over the years, I'm going to start offering discounts to people who visit them.
So, starting today, if you spend $100 with Babyvision Ultrasound, you will receive $100 off a regularly priced portrait session with me! How cool is that?! You're doubling your money! Just bring your receipt in, on the day of your session (dated after Feb 4, 2009).
Some of my other favorite peeps are listed in the sidebar links, and the same goes for them, too.
Have a great day! :)

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