Baby Colton

Isn't he dreamy? Thanks Laura and Patrick! And thank you to my good friends DD and Katy for the referral! Cupcakes are coming your way today, and I don't want to hear anything about your diet either!
So it's Friday before the long weekend and I'm totally caught up. Miracles happen. Today I'll be focusing on the other important parts of my life, like using a gift certificate to the spa that my thoughtful friend DeAnna gave me. Then I will brave the self-tanning machine again. I'm too lazy to find the story I wrote a couple years ago about my Mystic Tanning near- death experience. Suffice it to say it should've been called Auschwitz Tanning Chamber. Since then, Katy found one that isn't as traumatic. You still have to get into the coffin box of horror, but the machine-lady-voice warns you before each pummeling of toxins. I did it once, and have been putting off going back. But girls night is tonight, so I have no more room for procrastinating. The things we do to hide ten pounds.
Tomorrow I get to take the girls to their first ballet lesson of the year (woo!), and Sunday we're going to a four year old's birthday party at a castle. Um, how guilty do I feel about Emily's birthday now?! :0) I will bring my camera, and might even blog over the weekend...seeing as I'm totally caught UP! Yippee!!

Reader Comments (9)
:) Nice work. And I am totally jealous that you are all caught up. How the heck did you do that?
The tanning machine makes me feel like I did back when I ran on the gun at the track meet. When you open your mouth to breath, it feels like someone came in a sprayed a whole bottle of hair spray down your throat.
But would I do it again?
check yes.
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