lower case "woot"

Is there such a thing as saying, "Happy belated New Year!"...? Something about that seems wrong. Like, here's your birthday cake, that I ate. In Hawaii, my mom always told us that the Japanese believe, how you spend the first day of the year is how you will spend the rest of it. So they take special care to make sure the house is clean, and life is in order, and friends come over to visit all day. And since I spent the day in front of the computer, I'm hoping that that belief is a bunch of BS. At least until I find myself in an Irish pub on New Years day. Or swimming with dolphins. Or watching a whole day marathon of 24. Or Orange County Housewives. WHAT?! You know you love it.
Anyway, while the fam was here, I took a few shots of Kellybelly And Her Dancing Doodlebugs. Okay, I don't want to get your hopes up. They weren't dancing. Well, Tom was, but I'm not counting the ballet performance that he did for us on Christmas eve. Truly precious work, Tom. :) Anyway, I had them all ready to post. But the computer locked up. So this is what you get now. A tired, slightly delirious piece of already eaten New Years birthday cake post, with no photos. I will put them up later. Along with the millions of other ones that are still waiting.
What I did finish today was all the new 2008 pricing, and it's in effect! That totally makes me think of Salt and Pepa. Workin' up a SWEAT!
Oh I just need to stop before this post gets any more mental.
I will try to record my adventures with Kater Tot on our trip to Tampa. Or maybe I will sleep all day while she takes notes, and then later gives me the high points over sixteen martinis. Just kidding, that would never happen. I hate martinis. :0)
Reader Comments (5)
So now i will thinkof you wheni watch it. Yea!
Luv ya VV