Bitter Sweet and Ugly

I don't know how to write about Christmas. There were so many laughs, and moments that made it SWEET. And perfect. And wonderful. But then your kids cry for an entire afternoon when everyone leaves. Those are the bitter parts. The worth-it-a-million-times-over, bitter parts. It's really hard to see how much your kids are missing, by having family so far. BUT, I am VERY GRATEFUL for the time we do have. Here are a few moments.
Grammy (from KY) bought the kids a trampoline for Christmas. Naturally a kung fu match broke out immediately.
Things got a little "ugly" in photoshop, when this snapshot:
turned into this.
What do we think? Are we seeing a HAUTE PAPA shoot in the future?? You all have no idea how hard we laughed about this. We literally ended up sitting at my dining room table for hours altering photos and CRYING. It was completely hysterical. And yes, we are easily amused.
And on that note, all the fun and games are officially over. Tomorrow it's full steam ahead, trying to catch up from a week away. Then I leave for Tampa Bay for the DWF Convention with my homey Kate (can't wait!). And check back soon for your regular Blogcasting programming. I'm BAAA-AACK. WOOT.

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