More Prom

I'm trying to live up to my name "daily" relish and post something every day. Here are some more prom photos that Sandee took, and sent me. That was such a fun day. It makes me miss prom fashion shows. Apparently they don't do them here. But in California, different prom-related businesses, like (tux shops, florists etc.) let the students borrow their stuff for a big show that is put on at lunch time. We used to have so much fun doing the hair and make up for them because we could do whatever we wanted and get crazy. So if you're reading this and you are a person to coordinate such a thing for a high school here, let me know. I'm totally in to donate my time.
Ok, that's enough of a break for me. We're painting today. And if you know me, you know this is an obsessive problem that I have. My living room has been painted 4 times in 4 years. Although this time doesn't really count because I'm using the same color. I feel the need because we just bought new couches. Long story there too. I'll save it for another day. Later gators.
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