Donut Angels and Blogging

Hi everyone! I wanted to check in after leaving that depressing post up all week, and thought this was the perfect way to lighten the mood a bit. Look what was on my doorstep Saturday morning.
Donuts from Sandee who drove all the way across town to bring them because Miss Annie hadn't been feeling well. How sweet is that?! And in case you've never met her, Sandee is my Awesome Assistant Extraordinnaire and that's understating it. I met her when she and her daughter Bonnie came in at the beginning of the school year for senior portraits. Since then she and Bonnie have been my best advertisers, referring so many people, I honestly lost track months ago. But way beyond that, she has turned into a good friend. And she is such a huge help for all my outdoor photo sessions. Not only because she's always ten steps ahead of me and can work voodoo magic with a reflector, but also because she just makes it more fun to be out shooting. Thank you Sandee! :0)
Now changing the subject a bit, I have exciting news! I'm going to be writing another blog! This time for the WOAI News Station! It will be more about photography, as well as hair and makeup tips and maybe more! It's still in the beginning phases, but I'm thinking before and afters, interviews featuring other photographers, photo tips and contests. What do you think? If you have any ideas, let me know! And I'll keep you posted as it all progresses.
K. I have 2 seniors scheduled this weekend, so be on the lookout for those. Then we're going to the beach next week (South Padre Island), so I hope to have some of the Oregon photos posted before we leave for that.
Peace out homeys. :0)
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