Openbook Workshop

Do you want to get into photography, but aren't sure where to start? If so, Openbook is for you. This is a one-day INTENSIVE workshop where I will come to YOU. It's one-on-one. So, no being intimidated by a group setting, or feeling embarrassed to ask something. We will go over the things they don't cover in photography how to calm a toddler who thinks you are the devil, or how to use any light to make fantastic images. These are the tricks that took me 15 years of trial and error to learn. They will make your life easier, and your learning curve SO MUCH faster. I found a way to make a living creatively and you can do it too. IT IS POSSIBLE to love your job AND have the flexibility to be there for all the other things/people you love!
For details, go to MY SITE and click on the Openbook Workshop link.
Reader Comments (20)
Love your work
Great idea about the open book -- you are going to be one busy chick!
Brilliant, Maile. Simply brilliant.
I know what I am saving my pennies for. WOW Maile, I am blown away.
I really, really, really want to do this.