Senior Portrait Session: Shelby

Lately Epiphanie takes up most of my time, but I still try to work in a few sessions per month. And I'll be offering ONE DISCOUNTED SESSION this year! So keep a look out for that. Or let me know if you want to be added to the first to know email list. The location is going to be awesome, and spaces will be limited.
In other news, today we're leaving for New York. And this time I'm being realistic enough to know that I won't have time to blog while I'm there. So I thought it would be a good time to catch up on the sessions that have been stacking up. I'm setting them to post every day until we get back. After that, hopefully I'll be back to blogging real(ish) time again.
So, first up: Stunning Shelby. I photographed her sister eight years and four studios ago. I was amazed and happy that her mom was able to find me after so much time. It was great to see them again, and to be around that wonderful carefree energy that is so unique to being 18. I wrote a little more about it here.
I'd forgotten how disgustingly photogenic teenagers are. I mean LORD... And one with Mom, always. Thank you Laurie and Shelby!
If you want to follow us in New York, I'm sure I'll be overdosing on tourist-y instagram uploads here and here. :)