Annnd there went the holidays.

It's misleading to call it the holiday "season" when really it's about four weeks of blur between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Four weeks. I have a still broken shelf that fell off my closet wall six months ago. I'm pretty sure four weeks is not enough to turn my life into a Pinterest board. Which, by the way, is a site you should totally avoid if you're trying to have a low key celebration, or maintain an ounce self esteem throughout the holidays. It is the insecurity-breeding meth of the internet.
Anyway, in the spirit of lowered expectations, and also because I'm pretty sure no one reads this blog anymore so who cares... here are some pictures from THANKSGIVING! Woo, only a month late!
We made our cornflake apple pie again.
I'm not sure what happens to them when they bake, but it makes for an awesome crust.The girls preparing to become food bloggers.
We found a way to make even the vegetables unhealthy.
And then we went to the movies.One way to get my son to let me take pictures of him is to tell him that I'm only going to photograph his sister.
And I'm putting this random last picture in to celebrate all the rain we've been getting. Ever since we moved to Texas, I think I love it almost as much as I love the ocean.
Hope your holidays were filled with everything that means the most to you.
Reader Comments (9)
Happy holidays, friend.
More please...
Also, I check in daily. DAILY. :smooches:
Happy New Year too - ok, now I don't expect anything till Valentine's Day ;)
Oh friend, I'm still here and I do so love your family! miss y'all!
Happy Christmas and Merriest of New Year's!